Mail Servers and IP Addresses

PheedLoop relies on industry-leading services to maximize the reliability and security of all of its server-side resources, from databases and auto-scaling, to mail servers and caching. We often get asked about our mail servers and the general IP addresses we use, typically from enterprise or government customers looking to whitelist access to PheedLoop's sources for their users. The following FAQ should help educate you and your IT teams on related topics.

What do attendees see when receiving emails from PheedLoop?

Although emails come from PheedLoop servers, they are displayed in the recipient's inbox as coming from your brand and name. Your sender name, your logo, your custom email banner, and your custom reply-to address (i.e. if an attendee were to reply to an email, it would go to you, not PheedLoop) will all be front and center on all emails sent via PheedLoop.

Do I need to set SPF and DKIM records?

No, since we handle all the email sending via our servers, you do not need to worry about this. In case you have any spam filters which you are concerned about, we recommend whitelisting the entire "" domain name.

What IP addresses should my team whitelist?

Although this is very rarely a concern, if your IT team wants to be certain, we recommend whitelisting all the addresses listed here for full coverage.

Can I host PheedLoop on my own servers?

While this is possible, it requires an extensive amount of effort and expense. If this is a requirement for your organization, please contact our team. Note that PheedLoop operates on a highly secure and reliable infrastructure that is fully GDPR compliant.

Can I use my own MX records?

This is a possibility for enterprise accounts with PheedLoop, however, we recommend maintaining PheedLoop's mail servers as we can guarantee the highest level of reliability and deliverability. Note that all emails sent via PheedLoop will always feature your branding, names, and email address.

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