Setting up Single-Sign-On (SSO) via Okta

Okta is a platform that helps aggregate authentication protocols and platforms to make it easier to set up custom authentication flows between software applications. Via Okta, you can connect PheedLoop to any custom or pre-built authentication provider you set up inside your Okta account.

Step 1 - Create a New Integration

This step assumes you already have an Okta account. If you do not, please create one before proceeding at Head over to Applications, and select "Create App Integration". Choose OIDC - OpenID Connect as the sign-in method, and Web Application as the application type.

Step 2 - Configure Your Integration

Fill in the form on the page that allows you to further configure your application. These fields can be edited and added to later. Some key fields to fill in and things to take note of are listed below. Keep in mind that this is just the default configuration, your Okta and setup may vary and you should consult with your IT team and/or account manager at Okta if you have different requirements.

App Integration Name: Call this anything you may like.

Grant Type: Leave only "Authorization Code" checked.

Sign-In Redirect URLs: Add in all the URLs for the attendee-facing portals you would like to grant access to via Okta SSO. Currently the virtual web portal is supported, so put in the URLs for all the events you would like to grant access to (e.g. "" where "conference23" would be your event's custom URL extension).

Sign-Out Redirect URLs: Leave this blank

Base URIs: Leave this blank

Controlled Access: Select "Allow everyone in your organization to access"

Step 3 - Connect Your Credentials

In the General tab of you new integration's settings page, take note of the Client ID, Client Secret, and Okta Domain. Send these three parameters to your account manager or our support team at PheedLoop, along with your Organization ID (found in your PheedLoop dashboard's settings area). Once you receive confirmation from our team that we have connected your Okta credentials to your PheedLoop account, you are all set on the PheedLoop side! Attempt to head over to the Virtual Web Portal's login page, and you will see a button that allows you to authenticate with Okta.

Step 4 - Manage Your Integration

Now that you have linked PheedLoop to Okta, the next steps involve managing your integration on the Okta side to do exactly what you'd like. This would involve adjusting scopes, linking to directories, adding new sign-in URLs, and more. If you need assistance with this, we suggest working with your Okta account manager or their support team, or consulting with your IT team that manages SSO, APIs and other development functions at your organization.

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