Creating Form Input Questions for Task Management
PheedLoop’s Tasks allow for event administrators to associate assignments with stakeholders while they are participating in the event. With tasks, event administrator's are able to update exhibitors, speakers, and sponsors with attachable custom forms that they are able to fill out. These tasks could look like waivers, insurance policies, medical exemptions, requests for dietary restrictions and more!
1. Create a Custom Form
- From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Advanced > Custom Forms
- Above the custom form's table, select Create
- You can name the form, place it under the General Survey category, write a description, and add a question your users can answer
2. Create a Task
You are able to create tasks for any stakeholder such as speaker, exhibitor or sponsor. We will use Exhibitors for this example.
- From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Exhibitors > Tasks
- Select Create Task
- You may enter the task details such as placing a Name, Description, Link, Due Date etc.
3. Assign a Custom Form to a Task
- From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Exhibitors > Tasks
- Select the task you would like to adjust from the list
- In the task editor form, select Forms
- Select the form you would like to associate with the task from the list
4. Assign Stakeholders to Tasks
After a task is created, you are now able to assign stakeholders as a group or individually to the task.
- From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Exhibitors > Tasks
- Select the task you would like to adjust from the list
- Above the task table, select Actions > View Assignments
- You can manually add exhibitors to the task.
When editing a task, if you toggle on the Global Task checkbox and select Save Changes, it will automatically assign the task to every exhibitor.
5. Downloading Task Assignment Results
To create a Custom Report:
- From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Data & Reports > Custom Reports
- Above the Custom Reports table, select Create, and under the first section titled Report Type select Task Assignments
- Under the Fields section, assign all the options that apply for your report
- Under the Tasks selection, assign the task that you would like the data from and select Save Changes
To download a Custom Report:
- Select the custom report you created from the list
- Above the Custom Reports table, select Actions > Generate Report
- The report will then be generated and will have the option to download once created, this is titled Download Previous Report
You can include a date range if you want results from a specific timeframe. Leaving this blank will include all submissions.
This is all you need to assign a form with a task which will be beneficial for collecting information and organizing your event even further. Your speakers, exhibitors, and sponsors will now be able to view forms found within the tasks which are assigned to them.