Using Task Management in PheedLoop

Our Task Management system is a feature that can be used with any stakeholder in PheedLoop. Its main priority is to save yourself and your stakeholders a ton of time whilst setting up your event. 

Task Management is a feature set that is connected to a stakeholder portal. The stakeholder portal is a personalized portal for your exhibitor, sponsor, or speaker. These are individuals who are important and need to do certain tasks before the event starts. Task Management is a powerful way of managing and working with these individuals. 

In this example, we will be showcasing the speaker portal but this can be applied to the exhibitor and sponsor portal just the same.

Please note, whenever a task is completed by a Speaker, Exhibitor, or Sponsor, the task must be approved by an Administrator or Team Member in the Event Dashboard for their to be an update to the system. Please see  4. Approving Tasks, for instructions.

1. Enable Task

The first step before working with tasks is enabling them to appear in your stakeholders portal. You can enable tasks for speakers, exhibitors, and sponsors. The instructions below are for speakers.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Speakers > Portal > Pages
  2. Toggle off the Hide Tasks Page checkbox
  3. Select Save Changes

2. Create Task

You will find that when creating your task, you will find a wide range of customizable fields and options to make your desired task for your stakeholders.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Speakers > Tasks
  2. Above the Tasks table, select Create, and customize your task with the suggestible fields


  • Paste a link/URL so your stakeholders can go right into the page you are directing them to.

Require File Upload

  • For your stakeholders to submit files, whether it’s an application or form.


  • Assign custom forms with pre-selected information so your stakeholders can answer questions.

Task File

  • Upload a file so your stakeholders can download or review.

Due Date

  • Assigns a due date to the Task for its completion. If you enable task reminders (explained later in this article) this due date will send automatic reminders related to this date.

3. Assign Tasks

Whether you want one specific person to receive a task or every stakeholder in the speaker, sponsor, or exhibitor category, assigning tasks is an essential step. 

The Global Task checkbox is a feature that, when activated, assigns the task to everyone in that stakeholder category. This is applicable for all stakeholders but we will be using speakers for this example. To find Global Task:

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Speakers > Tasks
  2. Select the task you would like to adjust from the list 
  3. In the task’s editor form, go to the Task Details section and toggle on the Global Task checkbox

If you want to assign a task to one specific person there are two ways to manually accomplish this:

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Speakers > Tasks
  2. Select the task you would like to adjust from the list
  3. Above the tasks table, Select Actions > View Assignments
  4. In the View Assignments editor form, select Add and choose a stakeholder from the list to attach an assignment to


  1. From your Event Dashboard, navigate to Speakers > Speakers 
  2. Select a speaker you would like to adjust from the list
  3. In the speaker's editor form, go to the Task Assignments section
  4. Select Add, choose the task you would like to manually add 

Understanding Task Status

A task’s status will update based on certain conditions:

Approved- This means that the task has been approved by a team member.

Pending - This means that the speaker has selected submit in the task page and a reviewer can mark the task as completed assuming all conditions have been met.

Incomplete - This means that the speaker has not selected submit in the task page yet.

4. Approving Tasks

Please note, this step is a required step in order for the task status to be changed in the Event Dashboard.

Completing tasks is the first step of the task process, event admins are able to view task responses, approve them as well as unapproving them. This is found in the Task Queue. Only tasks that have required completion toggled on will show up in the Task Queue.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Advanced > Task Queue
  2. Select a task you would like to adjust from the list
  3. Above the Task Queue table, select Actions  
  4. Select either Mark Approved or Mark Incomplete

5. Setting Reminders for Tasks

A reliable feature with PheedLoop’s Task Management is sending reminders to your stakeholders about the tasks they have to complete. Overdue reminders allow for reminders to continue being sent after the task is overdue. Automatic reminders will send reminders automatically without the Event Administrator needing to manually send them out.

Overdue Reminders

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Speakers > Tasks
  2. Select a task that you would like to adjust from the list
  3. In the task's editor form, go to Task Details section and select the Enable Overdue Reminders checkbox

Automatic Reminders

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Speakers > Settings
  2. In the General Settings section, toggle on the Send Automatic Task Reminders checkbox

Only tasks that have enabled reminders will receive these reminders.

Manually Reminding Stakeholders

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Speakers > Speakers
  2. Select a stakeholder (or multiple) you would like to adjust from the list
  3. Above the speaker's table, select Actions
  4. Select Send Task Reminder

6. Download Task Assignment Data

Like the majority of the data you are able to retrieve from your event, tasks are no different. You can download task responses after they are completed.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Data & Reports > Custom Reports
  2. Above the Custom Reports table, select Create 
  3. Under Report Type field, select Task Assignments from the list
  4. Under Tasks, choose your tasks and under Fields, choose the fields appropriate to that task, and once satisfied select Save Changes
  5. Above the Custom Reports table, select Actions > Generate Report
  6. Refresh the site and select Download Previous Report once that option becomes available
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