Translating Text, Button, Phrases, and Labels

 The Translations feature is an incredibly powerful tool that everyone in the system should know about and how to use it. There are two major reasons why you would use our translations feature in the first place: 

  1. If you navigate to the external portals of PheedLoop, you will see some default text of PheedLoop. The default texts are simple templates but with sophisticated organizations there are different vocabulary or words you would prefer to use when describing a certain item. You are able to edit this text in the system.
  2. In many of PheedLoop's external facing portals (Mobile Event App, Virtual Event Portal, and Event Website) we offer multi-language support. You can toggle between different languages. This will translate the whole page and every piece of text into a preferred language.

1. Translating Default Text

  1. In any of your external portals, find a default text that you would like to adjust
  2. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Advanced > Translations
  3. Above the translations table, select Create
  4. Under Languages, select English or the language which your page is actively using
  5. Under Original Text, paste the default text you would like to edit
    1. Be mindful of capitalization and spaces if you write the original text yourself.
    2. If changes are not being made try to do a plain paste (control + shift + V) 
  6. Under Modified Text, write the new text that will overwrite the default text
  7. Select Save Changes

It should be noted that if you have a text like “Guest Ticket” and you would want this to be translated, make sure that you only write Guest Ticket. If the words “Guest Ticket” are used elsewhere, like in the middle of a sentence, it will not be affected.

2. Simple Translations

Whilst using the Translations feature, you will see a Simple Translations checkbox. This may be beneficial as it forces you to not add any HTML formatting. If you are having issues with translating default text, we would recommend trying the Simple Translations checkbox as it removes unnecessary HTML formatting.

3. Translate This Text

Throughout the Event Dashboard, you may come across the button Translate This Text underneath a box of text. Instead of navigating to Advanced > Translations and manually changing edited text, your alternative is accessing this option whenever it is available. This text can be found in multiple places in your Event Dashboard, but for this example we will use speakers.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Speakers > Speakers
  2. Select the speaker you would like to adjust from the list
  3. In the speaker editor form, go to the Basic Details section and under About/Bio select Translate This Text
    1. Make sure there is text already in the text box for this form to open.
  4. Under Languages, select a preferred language from the list
  5. Toggle on the Use Object Source checkbox
    1. The Use Object Source checkbox will take the source text which leaves you to enter the Modified Text only.
  6. Under Modified Text, write the new text you would like to have replace the previous text
  7. Select Save Changes

All of these translations will immediately show up in Advanced > Translations. To make things easier, here are all the translatable fields found in the Event Dashboard:

Sessions  Description  Instructions
Registration Settings Welcome Text Footer Text Terms and Conditions
BlogPost Body
Event Settings Description
Exhibitor Portal Settings Lead Retrieval Text
Exhibitors Description
Sponsors Description
Speakers About/Bio
Registration Category Ticketing Instructions Success Message Welcome Text Footer Text
Tickets Description

4. Viewing your Translations

Once you have completed and saved your translations, it’s time to view them. For this example, we will go through the Event Website to show you how to check. We have translated the “Event Agenda” into “Event Program.”

  1. From your Event Dashboard, navigate to Event Portals > Event Website > Schedule
    1. Selecting any portal will open a new tab, leaving the Event Dashboard open.

What was written as “Event Agenda” prior: 

Is now “Event Program”:

Changing Languages for the Front End

PheedLoop supports language options for all portals, meaning attendees can pick and choose which language they want displayed. Event organizers can include over 14 languages to support.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Advanced > Translations > Settings
  2. Scroll down to the Translation Settings
  3. Under Default Language, select the language you wish to be displayed by default
  4. Under Available Languages, select the languages you wish to be made available for selection on the front end
  5. Optionally, toggle on the Include Organization Translations checkbox to include translations from the Membership Dashboard
  6. Select Save Changes

Once done, the language will now appear as an option in the Virtual Portal and Event App

Changing Languages on the Event Website

  1. From the Event Website, select the language icon on the top right corner
  2. Select the language you wish displayed

Changing Languages on the Virtual Portal

  1. From the Virtual Portal, select the language icon on the top right corner
  2. Select the language you wish displayed

Changing Languages on the Event App

  1. From the Event App, select the hamburger icon on the top left corner
  2. Select your profile 
  3. Navigate to App Settings
  4. Under Current Language:, select the language you wish displayed

5. Bulk Uploading Translations

Multiple translations can be entered into a waitlist simultaneously in the Event Dashboard.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Advanced > Translations > Text
  2. Above the Text table, select the upload button
  3. Select Download Template

The translations template will now be downloaded onto your device.

  1. Open the Translation template file
  2. Fill out the information outlined in the Headings in the Translations Upload Template step below
  3. Save the document as a CSV file
  4. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Advanced > Translations > Text
  5. Above the Text table, select the upload button
  6. Select the Drag and drop some files here, or click to select files button to upload your template
  7. Select Submit

Headings in the Translations Upload Template

The waitlist template has multiple columns to fill out. Below we will define each column and their purpose.

code - This field is only necessary if you intend to edit a translation. Enter the Translation code under this column to edit their information. Leave this field blank to create new translations.

text_original - Enter the text to be translated under this column.

text_modified - Enter the text that will appear under this column.

language - Enter the language that this translation will take effect for. For example, entering English under this column will cause the translation to take effect when browsing the front end portals in English.

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