Conducting Registration Refunds in PheedLoop
If an attendee decides to no longer attend an event, naturally, they will want a refund. Event organizers can issue refunds through PheedLoop. Payments will be sent through our payment processor, Stripe.
1. How to Set up a Refund Using PheedLoop
Note: if you are using an alternative payment processor you may need to conduct refunds manually from that provider.
- From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Registration > Order
- Select the order you wish to refund from the list
- Under Payments, select Actions > Issue Refund
- Enter the amount
- Select Save Changes
If you want to edit a payment, you can do so from the Order by selecting Payments > Actions > View/Edit Details.
We recommend removing the tickets associated with the order to prevent the amount showing in the financial summary.
2. Conducting Refunds for Other Forms of Payment
You are also able to process a refund in PheedLoop when the Allow Other Payments checkbox is selected. This option is popular for registrants who want to pay in ways other than a credit card. This is typically used for payment methods like Check, Wire, invoices, and other payment methods.While processing a refund here - please note it’s still up to you to issue the refund manually from whatever payment method you are looking to do. For example - to issue a check payment:
- From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Registration > Orders
- Select the order you wish to refund from the list
- Ensure that the payment method for this payment is set to Other under Payments > Method
- Under Payments, select Actions > Issue Refund
- Enter the amount
- Select Save Changes
If you want to edit a payment, you can do so from the Order by selecting Payments > Actions > View/Edit Details.
3. Exporting Refunds via Custom Reports
It is possible to gather data on your refunds in customizable reports. The report can include refunds from all elements of the PheedLoop event system.
- From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Data & Reports > Custom Reports
- Above the Custom Report table, select Create
- Under Report Type, select Refunds
- Fill out the other information as required
- Select Create
- Select the checkbox of your report
- Above the Custom Report table, select Actions > Generate Report
- Select Download Previous Report
The report will be downloaded into your computer as a xlsx file.