How to Add Venue Maps to your Mobile Event App

Venue maps can be added to PheedLoop Go! to help attendees navigate the venue.

Using this feature allows you to add static maps natively to your event app. To create and add interactive maps - you will need to purchase the Interact Maps Module and follow the instructions accordingly.

1. Enabling Venue Maps in the Mobile App

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Experiences > Mobile App and select Venue Map from the list

  1. Ensure the Is Visible checkbox is toggled on
    1. If not, toggle on the checkbox and select Save Changes to save your progress.
    2. Quick Tip - you can rename this page to something else if you like!

2. Adding Venue Maps in the Event Dashboard

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to On-site > Live Display > Venue Maps and above the Venue Maps table, select Create

  1. Under the Title field, enter a name for your Venue Map
  2. Under the Description field, enter a short description for your Venue Map
    1. This step is optional
  3. Upload the Image field, select Choose File to upload your Venue Map
    1. We recommend uploading the file as a PNG or JPG file.
  4. Select the Visible on Live Display checkbox to have the Venue Map appear in your Live Display
    1. Please note, this feature requires the Live Display power-up.
  5. Select Save Changes

You can use these steps to create multiple maps for your event if your venue requires it. This is can be to show multiple floors or showing different venues maps if an event is held across multiple location.

3. Viewing Venue Maps on PheedLoop Go!

  1. From the Event Home Page, navigate to the hamburger menu

  1. Select Venue Maps
    1. Please note, this is not to be confused with the Maps page which covers Interactive Maps

  1. Select the map you wish to use

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