Inviting People to Your Mobile Event App

Once your event is in a ready state, you may want to send welcome emails out to attendees. We recommend giving attendees access to your event at least a few days before the start date to get acquainted with the Mobile Event App.

Some benefits of sharing the event app in advance include being able to login and personalize their schedules, engage with other exhibitors or attendees, and more.

There are two ways to send the invites for attendees to get access to the event.

Method A: Inviting using the Announcements feature

The announcement feature is ideal for when sending out custom emails. With the Announcement tabs, you can schedule emails to be released in advanced as well as track who opened the email and clicked the Call-To-Action button.

1. Creating Announcements from the Communications Tab

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Communications > Announcements
  2. Above the Announcement table, select Create
  3. Fill out the Announcement Title and Description
    1. Between the title and body of Description lies Insert Token. This gives you the option to include hyperlinks and other shortcuts in your description. There are important items to consider for logging into the Event App:
    2. The App Magic Login Button token will direct people to the Event App landing page: {app_magic_login_link}Open in PheedLoop Go{/app_magic_login_link}
    3. The Temporary Password token will send the temporary password for logging in: {temporary_password}
    4. The Email token will send you the email for login: {email}
  4. Under Delivery, toggle on the Email Notifications Enabled checkbox
  5. Under Advanced Settings, set the Call-To-Action URL field to your mobile event app’s landing page URL
    1. You can access the landing page from the Event Dashboard, navigate to Event Portals > Mobile Event App > Event App Landing Page.
  6. Toggle on the Include Login Credentials checkbox to allow attendees to access your event

2. Sending Announcements from the Communications tab

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Communications > Announcements
  2. Above the Announcement table, Select Actions > Send Single Announcement or Send Bulk Announcements
    1. Selecting Send Single Announcement will send one email to a user of your choosing. Selecting Send Bulk Announcements will send emails to everyone in the attendees tab. By default, people who have already received the email will not get it again unless Allow Multiple Deliveries is selected under Delivery
  3. If you want to release the email in the future you can do so by selecting the email and navigating to Scheduling > Automatic Schedule Date and Automatic Schedule Time

3. Reviewing Sent Emails from the Communications tab

In addition to sending out custom emails, you can also view which emails were sent to who. The Communications tab is great for sending out unique emails and keeping track for analytics.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Communications > Announcements
  2. Above the Announcement table, Select Actions > Review Sent Email Announcements
  3. A new pop-up will appear showing the name and email of the recipient and whether the email was open or clicked

Method B: Inviting from the Attendee tab

Sending invites from the attendee tab is convenient for sending out individual invitations. If you want to send out a quick email without additional steps, then this method is best for you.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Attendees > Attendees
  2. Select the attendees you would like to notify from the list
  3. Above the Attendee table, select Actions > Email > Event App Welcome

An email will be sent out to the selected attendees inviting them to the event app landing page. This email can be edited from the Event Dashboard.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Communications > Email Template > Event App Welcome Email
  2. Toggle on the Enable Call-To-Action button if not enabled already

Without the Call-To-Action button there is no way to access the event app landing page without manually typing the URL in the email template.

You can disable a number of options in the Mobile App setting which will hide the option on the front end. This can be found from the Event Dashboard, navigate to Experiences > Mobile App > Settings.

Using The Event App Landing Page as an Attendee

Once notified, attendees will be able to click on the button attached to the email to access the Event App. Depending on the device they are using, the button will either lead to the Event App or the Event App Landing Page.

If the attendee is opening the button on their mobile device and PheedLoop Go! is installed, then PheedLoop will automatically open the Event App and login the attendee.

If the attendee does not have PheedLoop Go! installed, then the button will lead to the Event App Landing Page.

The Event App Landing Page contains links for the following:

  • Web Access - The web portal for PheedLoop Go!
  • IOS Download - The Apple Store page for PheedLoop Go!
  • Android Download - The Google Play Store page for PheedLoop Go!
  • Access Virtual Web Portal - A link to the Virtual Portal for PheedLoop Go!
    • If you would like to remove this button, please contact to accommodate your request.

In addition, the Event App Landing Page will display the Event Logo for the Event. If no Event Logo is set, the PheedLoop logo will occupy that space. This can be changed by Administrators or Team Members.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to General > Design
  2. Scroll down to Logos
  3. Under the Event Logo, select Choose File to upload your Event Logo
  4. Select Save Changes

Downloading the QR Code for the Event App Landing Page

A shareable QR Code can be downloaded from the Event Dashboard that will direct users to the Event App Landing Page.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Event Portals > Mobile Event App > Download Shareable QR Code

Once selected, the QR Code will be downloaded onto your device. You can share this QR Code to direct users to the Event App Landing Page.

Accessing the Event App Landing Page from the Event Dashboard

For administrators and team members, the Event App Landing Page can be accessed easily from the Event Dashboard.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Event Portals > Mobile Event App > Event App Landing Page

It is recommended to check the Event App Landing Page to ensure everything is functioning properly. Event Administrators and Team Members can also share the URL of the page to Attendees should it prove more convenient then the methods mentioned above.

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