Downloading Call for Proposal Data Reports

Collecting proposal data is straightforward with PheedLoop. After you are done your proposal call - you may be in a position to download data for you to continue your work. Event organizers can gather submissions from speakers and even the reviewers in charge of proposal reviews.

Downloading Proposal Data Report

This report is useful for anyone who wants to download a list of all proposal submissions and their associated submission information.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Data & Reports > Custom Reports
  2. Select Proposals Report
  3. Before downloading, you will want to check Fields to ensure all relevant data is accounted for
  4. Above the Proposal table, select Actions > Generate Report
  5. Select Download Previous Report

Downloading Proposal Reviewer Data Report

Proposal Reviewer Data Report is a report to use if you are interested in seeing a list of all proposal submissions and their associated scores and answers provided by reviewers.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Data & Reports > Custom Reports
  2. Above the Proposal table, select Create
  3. Under Report Type, select Proposal Reviewers
  4. Under the Name field, enter any name for your report
  5. Under the Description field, enter the description for your report
  6. Under Fields, select all the relevant fields you wish to include in your report
  7. Leaving Call blank will include all calls from Proposals > Calls 
  8. Select Save Changes
  9. Above the Proposal table, select Actions > Generate Report
  10. Select Download Previous Report

Downloading Proposal Reviews Report

Proposal Reviews Report is ideal if you are looking to see a list of all proposals that are associated with a specific reviewer. It will list all reviewers and the proposals they have been assigned too.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Data & Reports > Custom Reports
  2. Select Proposal Reviews Report
  3. Before downloading, you will want to check Fields to ensure all relevant data is accounted for
  4. Above the Proposal table, select Actions > Generate Report
  5. Select Download Previous Report

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