Setting Up Meeting Booking in the Event App

Note: The Advanced Networking Power-up must be purchased for your event in order to have access to this feature

Meeting Booking is a feature inside of the PheedLoop Event App that allows you and your attendees to book meetings with one another! This is a powerful tool that encourages attendees to network with one another. The best part about meeting booking is that this feature can be used by attendees in advance of the event date. Attendees can be encouraged to book meetings to fully maximize their event experience. 

As an event admin - you are able to require booking confirmations amongst attendees and you can also set the default duration of how long these meetings should be. With the introduction of meeting booking, we are also introducing a convenient calendar tool that allows attendees to see at a single glance all of their saved sessions and meeting books inside of the event app. All of this is to provide a more enriching networking experience.

1. Using Meeting Booking as an Attendee

The meeting booking feature is an effective way to push attendee networking at your event. From the Mobile Event App, attendees are able to book meetings, view their schedule, and limit their availability all in one place.

1 (A). Customize your Meeting Booking Settings:

  1. From the Mobile Event App, navigate to the left hand side navigation menu
  2. Select Settings > Meeting Settings
  3. Toggle on the Enable meeting booking checkbox
    1. If this is toggled off, other attendees won’t be able to book meetings with you as an attendee. You will also not be able to book meetings with other meetings.
  4. Toggle on the Meeting booking requires confirmation checkbox
    1. By toggling this on, a confirmation in the event app must be confirmed by you. By toggling this off, other attendees will be able to instantly book meetings with you as an attendee. 
    2. Please note, this setting will override the initial setting set by the event administrator in the Event Dashboard.
  5. Select Edit Availability > Add
    1. From this section you are able to manually edit what times you are available for meeting bookings.
  6. Select Save Availability
  7. Select Submit

1 (B). Create Meetings as an Attendee:

  1. From the Mobile Event App, navigate to the left hand side navigation menu
  2. Select Attendees
  3. Select an attendee you would like to make a meeting with from the list
  4. In the attendee profile page select Request Meeting 
  5. Select a date which coincides with the attendees availability
  6. In the Meeting Details editor form, fill out a Description and add a location you would like to meet at from the list
  7. Select Request Meeting

Once the attendee submits a request, the invited guest will receive a notification and an email. Attendees cannot book a meeting if they already have another meeting scheduled for the same time.

1 (C). Managing Your Meetings as an Attendee:

  1. From the Mobile Event App, navigate to the left hand side navigation menu
  2. Select Calendar
  3. Select the meeting you would like to view the details for from the list

2. Setting Up Meeting Booking as an Event Administrator

Within the Meeting’s section in the Event Dashboard, you are able to customize the meetings your attendees can book along with the duration of time during the meetings as well.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Meetings > Settings
  2. Under Meeting Settings, toggle on the Enable Meeting Booking checkbox
  3. Toggle on the Require Meeting Confirmation checkbox
    1. If this is toggled on, attendees will need to provide confirmation of the meeting request before it is booked. 
    2. If this is toggled off, attendees will be able to instantly book meetings with other attendees.
  4. Under Start Time and End Time, fill out a time
    1. By setting a start and end time, this will be the default duration for each meeting.
  5. Under Interval, fill out a time
    1. By setting an interval time, this will indicate the maximum duration for each meeting.
  6. Select Save Changes

2 (A). Understanding Windows for Meeting Booking

Windows is a unique feature that allows the event administrator to have start and end time for meetings in separate windows of time. This is commonly used if you want to segment a time for only morning meeting bookings and then perhaps later in the evening.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Meetings > Windows
  2. Above the windows table, select Create
  3. Fill out the Date, Start Time, and End Time
  4. Select Save Changes

3. Coordinate and Edit Meetings as an Event Administrator

One advanced aspect of the Meeting Booking feature is the capability for Event Admins to proactively set up meetings between attendees. This is a great option if you are looking to facilitate networking or engagement on behalf of your attendees. Think of this as a matchmaker tool except you are the matchmaker! Event Admins will also have the capability to edit existing meetings.

3 (A). Creating a Meeting for Attendees

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate Meetings > Meetings
    1. The meetings table is a list of all of the meetings that have been created by attendees.
  2. Above the meetings table, select Create
  3. Under Host, select an attendee you would like to have host from the list
  4. Under Guest, select an attendee you would like to have join the meeting
    1. Fill out the rest of the required fields like Title, Date, Start Time, and End Time.
  5. Under Location, select the location in the venue where you can meet
    1. We usually see event planners use rooms as a meeting point.
    2. Read the next step to find out how to add Locations.
  6. Toggle on the Send Confirmation Email checkbox
    1. By toggling this on, it will send a confirmation email to the guest who is invited.
    2. By toggling on the Hidden checkbox, the meeting will not show up for hosts or guests in the event app.

Event organizers can also import multiple meetings at once.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Meetings > Meetings
  2. Above the meetings table, select the upload button
  3. Upload the meeting CSV file
  4. Select Submit
Quick Tip - You are able to bulk upload meetings if you select the cloud with the upward arrow icon to acquire a CSV file template. Fill out the template with all the required fields and upload it to the Click or Drag to Upload section.
Quick Tip - You are able to download a CSV file with all of the meetings already created in the Meetings > Meetings, meetings table. Just select the cloud with the downward arrow icon to download a CSV file with all of the information.

3 (B). Creating Locations for Meetings

At the venue of your event you may have areas or rooms where you (or attendees) can set up meetings between attendees. In the Event Dashboard you can add locations for easier understanding between the two attendees meeting.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Meetings > Locations
  2. Above the locations table, select Create
  3. Fill out the Location Name
  4. Under Sponsor, select the sponsor banner image that can be shown at the bottom of the meeting details
    1. This is not required to create the location.
  5. Select Save Changes

Attendees may only book one room at any given time. Attendees cannot book multiple locations simultaneously. However, multiple meetings can take place in one location if Allow Multiple Meetings is enabled.

Attendees can also be required to select a location before finalizing their meeting.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Meetings > Locations
  2. Under Meeting Settings, select the Require Meeting Location checkbox
  3. Select Save Changes

3 (C). Meetings and Sessions in the Calendar

Part of the meeting booking feature is the default event app page called the Calendar Page. The Calendar Page is an area where you are able to see your saved sessions and confirmed meetings all in one place.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Experiences > Mobile App > Pages
  2. Select Calendar from the pages table
  3. Toggle on the Is Visible checkbox
    1. You have the ability to rename this page or change the icon, by filling out the Title and Icon fields.
    2. You have the option to add a banner for your sponsors under the Sponsor field as well as the duration of the banner under Sponsor Duration.
    3. You can toggle on the Is Quick Link and Open in New Tab checkboxes for further customization.
  4. Select Save Changes

3 (D). Utilizing Access Restrictions for Meetings

If it is ideal to reserve the ability to book meetings only to a handful of attendees, that can also be done in the form of a tag or ticket restriction. If set, an attendee must have the relevant tag or ticket associated with them before they can make use of the meeting booking feature.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Meetings > Settings
  2. Scroll down to Access Restrictions
    1. Select Required Tags to specify which tags are required to book meetings
    2. Select Required Tickets to specify which tickets are required to book meetings
    3. Select Excluded Tags to exclude attendees with the tag from booking meetings.
    4. Select Excluded Tickets to exclude attendees with the ticket from booking meetings.
  3. Select Save Changes

3 (E). Setting Availability Restrictions Based on Shared Tags

Please note that Availability Restrictions does not impact the option to book meetings with exhibitors 

Another restriction that can be placed for meeting booking is based on shared tags. If set, only attendees with this tag will be able to have meetings booked from. Multiple tags can be included simultaneously. Attendees without the tag will not see an option to book meetings.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Meetings > Settings
  2. Scroll down to Availability Restrictions
  3. Under the Restricted Tags field, select the tag required for attendees to book meetings with
  4. Select Save Changes

4. Downloading Meeting Booking Information

At the end of your event, you may want to review how the meeting booking feature went with your attendees. You have the option to extract this data from a custom report.

4 (A). Creating a Meeting Booking Report

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Data & Reports > Custom Reports
  2. Above the custom reports table, select Create
  3. Under Report Type, select Meetings
  4. Under Fields, select Title, Host, Guests, Date, Start Time, End Time, Location, Description, or Hidden.

    Quick Tip - You are now able to  see the status of the meeting in the reports. The statuses are Confirmed, Pending, Cancelled.

4 (B). Downloading the Custom Report

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Data & Reports > Custom Reports
  2. Select the meetings report from the list
  3. Above the custom reports table, select Actions > Generate Report
  4. Once the report is created, select Download Previous Report
    1. Depending on the size of the report this may take a while and will need a refresh of the browser.
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