Uploading Sponsors and Sending Their Sponsor Portal

Sponsors are an integral part of any successful event. In PheedLoop there are a variety of sponsorship opportunities to take advantage of along with the option for sponsors to take control of their own space with their Sponsor Portal. If there is a case where sponsors can’t register or you need to bulk import your sponsors into the PheedLoop system, you can do this manually right in the Event Dashboard.

1. Adding Sponsors Manually

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Sponsors > Sponsors
  2. Above the sponsors table, select Create
  3. Fill out Name, Tagline, and Internal Code
    1. Internal Code is optional, this is a field that you can use if you want to associate a number or value specifically to this sponsor. It will just show up in reports.
  4. Under Sponsorship Tiers, select the tiers the sponsor is registered under
  5. Toggle on the Show in Event App, Show in Event App Listing, Show in Event Carousels, and Show on Event Website checkboxes
  6. Under Design, upload files based on the Logo, Banner, and Thumbnail of the sponsor
  7. Under Contact, fill out the contact information related to the sponsor
  8. Select Save Changes

2. Adding Managers and Contacts 

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Sponsors > Sponsors
  2. Select a sponsor you would like to edit from the list
    1. You can also select Create, and make a new sponsor as well.
  3. In the sponsor editor form, navigate to Basic Details
  4. Under Managers/Staff, select an attendee to add as a manager and/or staff from the list
    1. If your sponsors are not registered as an attendee, just select Manage and fill out the required fields of Email, First Name, and Last Name. Then select Save Changes.
    2. You can also select multiple attendees in this section.
  5. Under Primary Contact, select an attendee to add as a primary contact of the sponsor
  6. Under Secondary Contact, select an attendee to add as a secondary contact of the sponsor
  7. Select Save Changes

Sponsor Roles

Manager - This is anyone that should be associated to the sponsor. Typically employees or booth representatives. They will show up in the event app and event website associated to this profile.

Primary Contact - This is the main individual who will receive the Sponsor Portal via the Sponsor Welcome Email which you will send below. This is typically the individual who is the main person responsible for updating the sponsor information for the event. They will not show up under the Sponsor.

Secondary Contact - This individual is a secondary contact for you as an event admin to reference internally. They will not receive any emails from the welcome email.

3. Bulk Uploading Sponsors

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Sponsors > Sponsors
  2. Above the sponsors table, select the cloud with the downward arrow icon
    1. You will receive a CSV template with the appropriate sponsor columns.
  3. Fill out the column with the sponsor you want to bulk upload
    1. Learn more about all the sponsor headings down below
  4. Above the sponsor table, select the cloud with the upwards arrow icon
  5. Upload the CSV file with your new sub-sessions
  6. Select Submit

Headings for the Sponsor Upload Template

Quick Tip - if you don’t want to import the other fields, you can simply just delete the entire column so that this information isn’t imported.

name - the Name of the sponsor. This is the only required field when uploading a template

contactPrimary - the code for the Primary Contact (generated by PheedLoop). Please ensure you use the email address format when adding your primary or secondary contacts. You must first add these individuals as attendees. To do this, use the attendee import

contactSecondary - the code for the Secondary Contact (generated by PheedLoop)

representatives - list any attendee codes affiliated with Managers/Staff

isApproved - approving or disapproving of the sponsor, list this as TRUE or FALSE

tagline - the name of the Tagline

codeInternal - the name of the Internal Code. This is an optional field. You can use this if you want to associate a number or value specifically to this sponsor. It will just show up in reports

description - the Description of the sponsor

managersLimit - the number of managers that this sponsor can hold

instructions - any Instructions which the sponsor wants to provide to attendees

email - the main Email which connects to the sponsor

website - the main Organization Website connected to the sponsor

twitter - the URL link to the Twitter page of the sponsor

youtube - the URL link to the Youtube page of the sponsor. This needs to be in the https://www format for the link to work

facebook - the URL link to the Facebook page of the sponsor

linkedin - the URL link to the Linkedin page of the sponsor

instagram - the URL link to the Instagram page of the sponsor

addressLine_1 - the first address line of the sponsor

addressLine_2 - the second address line of the sponsor

addressCity - the city which the sponsor’s address is located in

addressState - the state which the sponsor’s address is located in

addressCountry - the country which the sponsor’s address is located in

addressZip - the zip code of the sponsor’s address

addressPhoneWork - the work phone number for the sponsor

addressPhoneMobile - the mobile phone number for the sponsor

isVisibleWebsite - this is the toggle on or off for the Show on Event Website checkbox, fill out TRUE or FALSE

isVisibleApp - this is the toggle on or off for the Show in Event App checkbox, fill out TRUE or FALSE

featureAppListingShow - this is the toggle on or off for the Show in Event App Listing checkbox, fill out TRUE or FALSE

featureAppHomeCarouselShow - this is the toggle on or off for the Show in Event Carousels checkbox, fill out TRUE or FALSE

4. Sending the Sponsor Portal to Sponsors

Note - the primary contact will receive the email to the S ponsor Welcome so ensure that it is associated.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Sponsors > Sponsors
  2. Select a sponsor you would like to send their portal to from the list
  3. Above the sponsor table, select Actions > Send Welcome Email

Quick Tip - to edit the sponsor portal welcome email, in the Event Dashboard, navigate to Communications > Email Templates > Sponsor Welcome.

5. Logging in as a Sponsor

Once the Sponsor Welcome email has been sent to the sponsor, they can access their login credentials and their Sponsor Portal immediately from the email.

  1. From your the Sponsor Welcome email, select Open Sponsor Portal
  2. Use the login credentials listed in the Sponsor Welcome email to login to your Sponsor Portal
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