Using the Exhibitor Showcase Feature

At its core level, the exhibitor Showcase feature is a second place to display exhibitors other than the Exhibit Hall. To make the most of the Showcase feature, Event Administrators can use Showcase to display endless creativity and advertisement for their Virtual Portal or Mobile Event App.

In the past we have seen creative use-cases with this showcase feature such as a place to display e-posters. Some customers like having a dedicated area for Poster Presentations and Commercial Exhibitors. Another could be Exhibit Hall A or Exhibit Hall B, all you would have to do is use the Translations feature and alter the word Showcase.

1. Activating the Exhibitor Showcase Feature

1 (A). Virtual Event Portal

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Experiences > Virtual > Settings
  2. Under Options, toggle on the Enable Showcase Section checkbox
  3. Select Save Changes

1 (B). Mobile Event App

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Experiences > Mobile App > Pages
  2. Select the Showcase page from the list
  3. In the pages editor form, under Details toggle on the Is Visible checkbox
  4. Select Save Changes

2. Placing an Exhibitor in the Exhibitor Showcase

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Exhibitors > Exhibitors
  2. Select an exhibitor you would like to add to the exhibitor showcase from the list
  3. In the exhibitor editor form, navigate to Edit Details > Basic Details
  4. Toggle on the E-Poster/Showcase Only Exhibitor checkbox
  5. Select Save Changes

Quick Tip - to bulk edit Exhibitors in a showcase, from the Event Dashboard, navigate to Exhibitors > Exhibitors, select multiple exhibitors, above the exhibitor table select Actions > Bulk Edit, toggle on the E-Poster/Showcase Only Exhibitor checkbox.

3. Testing the Exhibitor Showcase Feature

3 (A). Virtual Event Portal

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Event Portals > Virtual Event
  2. From the Virtual Event portal, navigate to the left hand side navigation menu
  3. Select Showcase
  4. Select Map View to view the interactive map of all the exhibitors in the Showcase
  5. Select any exhibitor to view their exhibitor profile with all their information

3 (B). Mobile Event App

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Event Portals > Mobile Event App > Mobile App Preview
  2. Login with your or an attendee’s credentials
  3. Select the event with the showcase feature activated
  4. From the Mobile Event App, navigate to the left hand side navigation menu
  5. Select Showcase
  6. Select an exhibitor you would like to view from the list
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