How to add Tax and Location Based Tax on Registration Tickets

PheedLoop offers the option to assign taxes based on which state/province the registrant is located in. Please note that this feature is for the registration module only. 

Setting up Location Taxation List

When setting tax rates, it is important to combine the provincial/state as well as the federal tax rate into a total tax rate. Once set, you can create your Location Taxation List through the following:

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Registration > Location Taxes
  2. Above the Location Taxes table, select Create
  3. Under the State field, enter the 2 letter code for the state or province
    1. For example, enter ON for Ontario to apply this tax for registrants in Ontario.
  4. Under the Label field, enter a name for the location tax
  5. Under the Tax Rate field, enter the tax rate as a decimal
    1. PheedLoop supports up to 3 decimal places for taxes. For example, 14.975 will work but 14.9756 will not.
  6. Select Save Changes

If the registrant is outside of the state/province on the list, location taxes will not apply to them. Other tax settings will still apply such as General Tax and Category specific fixed tax. If multiple taxes are added to the same state/province, the system will treat them as cumulative. This is useful provinces and states that have different sales taxes.

Deleting Location Taxes

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Registration > Location Taxes
  2. Select the tax you wish to remove from the list
  3. Above the Location Taxes table, select Actions > Delete
  4. Select Confirm

Setting up General Tax 

If you would like to establish a general tax for your event, you can choose to set up a General Tax rather than use the Location Taxation List. Please note, the general tax will be overridden by location based taxes if the registrant meets the criteria.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to General > Details
  2. Under Advanced Options and Finance, fill in the tax percentage under Tax Percent
  3. Select Save Changes

The tax will be applied to all transactions, on top of the total cost of tickets plus any additional fees. 

Setting Tax Rates per Category 

A fixed tax rate can also be applied to individual categories, meaning you can charge attendees a certain percentage while another category like sponsors is charged something else. Please note, using the Fixed Tax Percent setting will override all other tax percents setup in the Event Dashboard, including location taxes.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Registration > Categories
  2. Scroll down to Payment
  3. Toggle on the Use Fixed Tax Percent checkbox
    1. Please note that this option will override the location or organization based tax percentages and the event tax percent.
  4. Under Tax Percent, enter the tax percentage
  5. Select Save Changes 
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