Enabling the Advanced Exhibitor Premium Benefits Package

The Advanced Exhibitor Benefits Package is a paid upgrade for Exhibitors to purchase. This feature allows Exhibitors to get more than just the regular Premium Booth upgrade. Please see below for all features associated with the Advanced Exhibitor Benefits Package in addition to Lead Retrieval. You can review more about this here. This article will cover Advanced Exhibitor Premium Benefits Package from the perspective of both an event administrator and exhibitor. 

How to Purchase the Advanced Exhibitor Upgrade as an exhibitor 

Exhibitors are able to purchase their Advanced Exhibitor Upgrade right in their Exhibitor Portal.

  1. From the Exhibitor Portal, navigate to Lead Retrieval
  2. Under Advanced Exhibitor Upgrade, select Purchase Advanced Exhibitor Upgrade for $299
  3. Fill out your payment information underneath Enter Card Details
  4. Select Confirm 

Features of the Premium Benefits Packages 

Exhibitor Meeting Booking 

Please note this requires the Advanced Networking power-up to function.

With the Advanced Exhibitor Upgrade, attendees will be able to schedule meetings with exhibitor managers. Managers can opt out of this feature from the Exhibitor Portal. 

  1. From the Exhibitor Portal, navigate to Meetings > Settings
  2. Toggle off the Enable meeting booking checkbox to opt out of meeting with Attendees 
  3. Select Save Changes

The Exhibitor Portal will also collect all meeting information which can be downloaded as a CSV file.

  1. From the Exhibitor Portal, navigate to Meetings > Settings
  2. Select Actions > Download CSV

If it is necessary to delete a meeting from the record, that can be done.

  1. From the Exhibitor Portal, navigate to Meetings > Settings
  2. Select Actions > Delete

For more information on meeting booking, please review our Setting Up Meeting Booking in the Event App article. 

Business Card Capture

Exhibitor managers can scan and save business cards for later use.

To use Business Card Capture.

  1. From the Event App, open the hamburger menu on the top right of the screen 
  2. Under Exhibitor Tolls select Business Card Capture 
  3. Select the exhibitor you would like to scan business cards for 
  4. Under Scanner, select Launch Scanner 
    1. Navigate to Business Cards to see already captured business cards 
  5. Once the business card is in view of the camera, select the bottom icon to take a picture 
    1. Optionally, select Retake if the picture is unsatisfactory 
  6. Fill out the Click to add Title and Click to add Notes fields 
  7. Select Submit

Business cards can also be captured on PheedLoop OnSite. Once managers fill out the form, an optional pop up will appear allow them to capture a business card along with the lead. Select Skip to omit capturing a business card.

Captured Business cards can be retrieved from the Exhibitor Portal. 

  1. From the Exhibitor Portal, navigate to Lead Retrieval > Business Cards 
  2. Select Actions > Download CSV

Event Administrators can also access business cards as a custom report.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Data & Reports > Custom Reports
  2. Select Create
  3. Under Report Type, select Exhibitor Leads
  4. Under Fields, Include Business Cards among any other necessary information
  5. Select Save Changes

Now that the report is created, it will need to be generated in order to download.

  1. Select the checkbox of the newly created report
  2. Above the Custom Reports table, select Actions > Generate Report
  3. Select Download Previous Report

API Webhooks for Lead Retrieval 

The main functionality for webhooks is to allow exhibitor managers and owners to connect their lead retrievals to another service not directly supported by PheedLoop. Webhooks ensure that exhibitors can still make use of their own resources while using PheedLoop. To use this feature, you must have access to an Engineering Resource who is able to create an API that makes a request to a Specific Endpoint. Once that request is made, we will make an update to your system via a Webhook. 

If the Update Lead Retrieval Webhook field is also filled out, any updates made to lead information will be sent in real time.

The scenarios for when a webhook is triggered is dependent on who is scanning the QR code.

If an exhibitor is scanning an attendee then the webhook in the Created Lead Retrieval Webhook field is triggered once the QR Code is scanned. The webhook in the Updated Lead Retrieval Webhook field is triggered once the exhibitor completes the rating or custom form.

If an attendee is scanning the exhibitor badge, the Created Lead Retrieval Webhook field is triggered once the QR Code is scanned. However, the webhook in the Updated Lead Retrieval Webhook field will only get triggered once the Exhibitor Manager/Owner goes to that lead, and completes the form.

To set up webhooks from the Exhibitor Portal. 

  1. From the Exhibitor Portal, navigate to Lead Retrieval > Webhooks 
  2. Copy and paste the webhook into the Created Lead Retrieval Webhook field 
  3. Copy and paste the webhook into the Updated Lead Retrieval Webhook field if real time updates for lead retrieval information is required 
  4. Select Save

Webhooks can also be established from the Event Dashboard by event administrators. 

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Exhibitors > Exhibitors 
  2. Select the exhibitor you would like to update from the list 
  3. Scroll down to Lead Retrieval Webhook 
  4. Copy and paste the webhook into the Created Lead Retrieval Webhook field 
  5. Copy and paste the webhook into the Updated Lead Retrieval Webhook field if real time updates for lead retrieval information is required 
  6. Select Save Changes 

Custom Lead Retrieval Questions (Advanced Exhibitor Benefits Package) 

Create custom form questions from the exhibitor portal just as an event administrator would from the Event Dashboard. This form will appear when scanning an attendee badge via Lead Retrieval. These questions are useful for internal tracking purposes and give an additional layer of detail in addition to scanning with Lead Capture. Questions from the custom form will overwrite the default rating system when scanning an attendee in. 

  1. From the Exhibitor Portal, navigate to Lead Retrieval > Form 
  2. Fill out the Name field and optionally add a description 
  3. Select Add Input 
  4. Select any of the five inputs for your questions 
    1. Quick tip: you can select the duplicate button to create a copy of your question.
  5. Select Create Form 

Selecting Delete Form will remove the form from the exhibitor portal and for attendees. At any time, edits can be made to the form and updated when Save Changes is selected.

How to Purchase Advanced Exhibitor Upgrade Credits as an Event Administrator

Please note purchases in the event dashboard can only be made by Account Admins. 

  1. From the Event Dashboard, select your account email on the top right corner and select Settings 
  2. In the new page, navigate to Accounts & Billing > General Credits 
  3. Write the quantity of credits you would like to purchase under the Add Advanced Exhibitor Upgrade Credits field 
  4. Select Add 
  5. Fill out your payment information and select Confirm and Pay 

Enabling Lead Retrieval on the Event Dashboard 

Once credits are purchased, event administrators can assign them to exhibitors as required. 

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Exhibitors > Exhibitors 
  2. Select the checkbox of the exhibitor(s) you wish to assign the credit to 
  3. Above the Exhibitor table, select Actions > Enable Advanced Exhibitor Upgrade 
  4. Select Confirm 

Enabling the Lead Retrieval Page on the Exhibitor Portal 

Although you may have purchased the modules and power-ups related to the Advanced Exhibitor Upgrade, make sure it is enabled in the event dashboard so exhibitors can view it in their respective portals.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Portals > Exhibitor > Exhibitor Portal
  2. Scroll down to Pages
  3. Toggle off the Hide Lead Retrieval Purchase Page checkbox
  4. Select Save Changes 
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