Customizing and Enabling Speaker Roles

PheedLoop offers customizable roles for speakers that can be assigned in sessions. While not mandatory, it can greatly enhance the clarity, attractiveness, and overall effectiveness of a session’s description.

By categorizing speakers according to roles, such as keynote speakers, panelists, workshop leaders, or moderators, the audience can easily identify who and what each speaker does. This is a great way of highlighting your speakers and giving them specific recognition at your event.

The Speaker roles will be available and seen within the Event Website, the Event App and the Proposals System. 

Creating Speaker Roles 

Contrary to their name, Speaker Roles are located under Sessions in the Event Dashboard. When creating a Speaker Role, event organizers can display the speakers as either a card or text.

Displaying as a card will include the Speaker’s picture and title while text will only display the speaker’s name. If the speaker does not have a picture then their initials will be displayed along with a randomized color as their background.

To create a speaker role: 

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Sessions > Speaker Roles and above the Speaker Roles table, select Create 

  1. Fill out the Name field 
  2. If you would like to prevent the role from appearing publicly, toggle on Hidden Role 
  3. Under Display Type, select Card or Text 
  4. Select Save Changes 

Bulk Uploading Speaker Roles

Multiple Speaker Roles can be uploaded into the Event Dashboard for use.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Sessions > Speaker Roles and above the Speaker Roles table, select the upload button

  1. Select Download Template

The Speaker Roles template will now be downloaded onto your device.

  1. Open the Speaker Roles template file
  2. Fill out the information outlined in the Headings in the Speaker Roles Upload Template step below
  3. Save the document as a CSV file
  4. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Sessions > Speaker Roles
  5. Above the Speaker Roles table, select the upload button
  6. Select the Drag and drop some files here, or click to select files button to upload your template
  7. Select Submit

Headings in the Speaker Roles Upload Template

code This field is only necessary if you intend to edit a Speaker Role. Enter the Speaker Role under this column to edit their information. Leave this field blank to create new speaker roles.
name Enter the name of the speaker role under this field.
display_type Enter Card or Text under this column. Speaker Roles marked as Card will have the profile picture displayed along with the Speaker’s first and last name. Speaker Roles marked as text will only have the speaker’s first and last name appear under the Speaker Role.
order_num Rearrange the Speaker Roles in your desired order from top to bottom by numbering them from lowest to highest. For more information on this feature, please review our Reordering Sessions, Exhibitor and Sponsor in the Event Dashboard via the Import Tool article.
is_hidden Enter True under this column to toggle on the Hidden Role checkbox. Enter False or leave blank to toggle off this checkbox.
enabled_in_speaker_portal Enter True under this column to toggle on the Available in Speaker Portal checkbox. Enter False or leave blank to toggle off this checkbox.

Assigning Speaker Roles 

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Sessions > Sessions and select the session you would like to edit from the list 

  1. Navigate to the Speakers tab
  2. Scroll down to Add Role and under Select Role, select the role(s) for the session 
    1. Select Add to add the role to the session

  1. Scroll down to Add Speaker
    1. Under the Speaker field, select the speaker to assign the Speaker Role to
    2. Under the Role field, select the Speaker Role to assign the speaker to
    3. Please note speakers can only be associated with one role per session 
    4. Select Add to add the Speaker with their Speaker Role
  2. Select Save Changes

Re-Ordering Speakers 

Speakers can be dragged and dropped into roles for easier management. 

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Sessions > Sessions and select the session you would like to edit from the list 

  1. Navigate to Speakers tab
  2. Select and hold the speaker’s name and drag them to the intended role 
    1. To unassign a role, select the garbage icon next to the speaker’s name. 
  3. Select Save Changes 

Viewing Speaker Roles on the Virtual Portal, and Event Website 

Virtual Portal 

  1. From the Virtual Portal, navigate to Sessions 
  2. Speaker Roles will appear within the session page 

Event Website 

  1. From the Event Website, navigate to Sessions 
  2. Speaker Roles will appear on the session list and within the session page 

Applying Speaker Roles to the Proposal Process 

As an event organizer, speaker roles can be included in proposal applications. This can be configured on the event dashboard and certain roles can be included or excluded as necessary. 

  1. Form the Event Dashboard, navigate to Proposals > Calls  and select the Call you would like to edit from the list or select Create to make a new proposal 

  1. Scroll down to Advanced and under the Speaker Roles field, select the Speaker Roles you would like to make available for Speakers to use 
  2. Select Save Changes 

Changing Speaker Roles from the Submission Portal 

If a proposal has not been approved yet, speakers are still able to change Speaker Roles from the Submission Portal. 

Please note, Speaker Roles will only be visible if at least one Speaker Role was added to the Call. If there are no Speaker Roles assigned to the Call, the Speaker Roles field will be hidden in the Submission Portal.

  1. From the Submission Portal, navigate to Edit Profile
  2. Under the Speaker Role field, select your Speaker Role
  3. Select Save

Co-Speakers can also be edited from the Submission Portal. 

  1. From the Submission Portal, navigate to Co-Speakers 
  2. Select the speaker role in the Speaker Role field 
  3. Select Save

Applying Speaker Roles to the Speaker Portal

After a proposal is approved and the speaker gains access to their Speaker Portal, they can also edit Speaker Roles from there. However, the Enable Speaker Roles in Speaker Portal checkbox must be toggled on from the Event Dashboard. If this checkbox is disabled, it will still be possible to add co-speakers but the setting to change Speaker Roles will be hidden in the Speaker Portal. 

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Sessions > Sessions and select the session you want to adjust from the list

  1. Scroll down to Options and toggle on the Enable Speaker Roles in Speaker Portal checkbox
  2. Select Save Changes

Once the Enable Speaker Roles in Speaker Portal checkbox is toggled on, Speaker Roles can now be edited in the Speaker Portal.

  1. From the Speaker Portal, navigate to the Sessions page and select the session you wish to edit from the list
  2. Navigate to the Speaker and Roles tab
  3. Select either yourself or the Co-Speaker you wish to edit from the session

  1. Under the Speaker Role field, select the Speaker Role you wish to assign the speaker to
  2. Select Save

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