How to Import Contacts in Membership Management

Contacts offer valuable insight into the people who are interested in your event. These are people who have attended your event(s) or entered their email during the registration process. Having this information is crucial for sending follow up emails for future events or other membership opportunities.

PheedLoop offers the ability to import these contacts to the Membership Dashboard from third party sources. 

Importing Contacts in Membership Dashboard 

  1. From the Membership Dashboard, navigate to Contacts > Profiles 
  2. Select the upload icon 
  3. Select Download Template 
  4. Enter the information into the .csv file and save it
  5. Upload your .csv file 
    1. If you would like to manually create a contact, select Create
  6. Once the information is filled out, select Save Changes 

Creating Custom Fields

Custom fields can be included and used as necessary. All custom fields will appear as a column in Contacts > Profiles

  1. From the Membership Dashboard, navigate to Contacts > Custom Fields 
  2. Above the Custom Fields table, select Create 
  3. Fill out the Name field 
  4. Select Save Changes

On the same page, it is also possible to download all custom fields as a CSV file. This can be done by selecting the Download CSV button on the right side of the Custom Fields page. Any created custom fields will automatically be in the template. 

Downloading Contacts from the Membership Dashboard 

Contacts can be downloaded as a report through the Members report. 

  1. From the Membership Dashboard, navigate to Data & Reports > Custom Reports 
  2. Above the Reports table, select Create 
  3. Under Report Type, select Members 
  4. Enter the name under the Name field 
  5. Under Fields, select the information that applies to you 
  6. Select Save Changes 

Now that your report is created, you will want to generate the report in order to download it. 

  1. Select the checkbox of your newly created report 
  2. Above the Custom Reports table, select Actions > Generate Report 
  3. Select Download Previous Report
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