How to Conduct Ticket Transfers

One of the ways PheedLoop makes managing hundreds or even thousands of registrations easier is through bulk importing. If your organization is relying on a third party registration system, you can export those registrations as a CSV file and upload them to the Event Dashboard. This effectively serves the same purpose as the attendee entering the event website and registering for the event.

In this article, we will discuss how to bulk import registration orders and ticket purchases. Please note, it is always advised to import orders first before ticket purchases. This is because ticket purchases require an order to be associated with them.

Please note, uploading registrations should only be done if registration and tickets are an integral part of your event. In most cases, importing attendees with tags should suffice. For instructions on how to import attendees, please review our Importing Attendees into an Event article.

Bulk Importing Registrations

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Registration > Orders and select the Upload button

  1. Select Download Template

  1. Add the relevant information to your CSV file
  2. Save the file and uploaded it by selecting the Drag and drop some files here, or click to select files button
  3. Select Submit

Headings For the Registration Orders Upload Template

email The email of attendee belonging to the order.
first_name The first name of the attendee registering for the event.
last_name The last name of the attendee registering for the event.
organization The organization of the attendee registering for the event.
title The title of the attendee registering for the event.
designations Any designations belonging to the attendee registering for the event.
pronouns Enter the preferred pronouns of the individual under this column.
address_line_1 The street address belonging to the attendee registering for the event.
address_line_2 The apartment or suite number belonging to the attendee registering for the event.
address_city The city the attendee resides in.
address_state The state the attendee resides in.
address_zip The zip code the attendee resides in.
address_country The country the attendee resides in.
address_phone The phone number belonging to the attendee registering for the event.
notes Any internal notes the administrator wishes to attach with the registration order. Notes will not appear publicly to the attendee.
ticket_codes Enter any tickets codes to assign to the registration. Ticket codes can be downloaded by selecting the download icon under Registration > Tickets in the Code column. For more information, please review our Getting Started with Registration article.
registration_category Enter the registration category to assign to the registration. Registration category codes can be downloaded by selecting the download icon under Registration > Tickets in the registration_categories column. For more information, please review our Getting Started with Registration article.

Bulk Importing Ticket Purchases

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Registration > Ticket Purchases and select the Upload button

  1. Select Download Template

  1. Add the relevant information to your CSV file
  2. Save the file and uploaded it by selecting the Drag and drop some files here, or click to select files button
  3. Select Submit

Headings For Ticket Purchases Upload Template

The email of attendee belonging to the order.
The first name of the attendee registering for the event.
The last name of the attendee registering for the event.
The organization of the attendee registering for the event.
The title of the attendee registering for the event.
Any designations belonging to the attendee registering for the event.
pronouns Enter the preferred pronouns of the individual under this column.
Enter any tickets codes to assign to the registration. Ticket codes can be downloaded by selecting the download icon under Registration > Tickets. For more information, please review our Getting Started with Registration article.
Enter the registration code that you created under Registration > Orders to assign to the registration. The Registration Code can be found by selecting the View Column button and toggling on the Code checkbox. Alternatively, you can use the Code field for the Registration custom report.For more information, please review our Getting Started with Registration article.
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