Customizing the Event Website's Design and Theme

One of the customizable options PheedLoop offers is the ability to change the colors of any front facing portal, including the Event Website, Mobile App, and Virtual Website. Once the hexadecimal value is changed, the color will show up on the relevant portals.

What is a Hexadecimal Value?

Hexadecimal values are a format in HTML that are used to identify color. For example, the hex value for the color white is #FFFFFF. By using these values, event organizers can customize the color of their event website to better represent their company or according to their personal preference.

Changing the Color from the Event Dashboard

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to General > Design
  2. Under Primary Color, change the color as desired
  3. Under Secondary Color, change the color as desired
  4. Select Save Changes

The color will now be updated throughout all portals. The sole exception is the Event Website which requires a different set of instructions as shown below.  

Changing the Color of the Event Website

Unlike other portals, the Event Website has a different setting for changing colors.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Experiences > Website > Settings
  2. Scroll down to Theme
  3. Select the color you would like to change
    1. Primary Color - This is the most noticeable change in the Event Website and changes things like headers and footers.
    2. Secondary Color - This changes the background color for sections such as Meet Our Exhibitors.
    3. Text Color - This changes the color of text throughout the Event Website. Please note, this does not change the text in the header or subtitles.
    4. Contrast Text Color - This changes the color of headers and buttons as well as applicable sections like the event countdown.
    5. Subtitle Color - This changes the color of smaller text such as titles for speakers and session descriptions.
    6. Surface Color - This will change the color of boxes such as the ones that appear for Speakers and Sessions. It will also change the color of any sections that don’t already have a background color assigned.
    7. Background Color - This changes the background color of all sections except the home carousel. If a section has a color selected, it will override this setting.
    8. Border Color - This changes the color of the border surrounding the search bar.
  1. Enter the hex value you would like to use for each option
  2. Select Save Changes

How to Create a Background Image with Home Carousel

The Event Website offers an optional background image for your event. If there is no background image, the home page will display the Primary Color for your Event Website. If the Home Carousel section has a color selected in Background Color, that field will override the Primary Color.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Experiences > Event Website > Sections
  2. Select Home Carousel under the Sections column
  3. Scroll down to Additional Settings
  4. Select Choose File to upload your background image
  5. Select Save Changes
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