How can I use the Notes page in PheedLoop Go!?

PheedLoop Go! offers a built in note taking page which can be used by attendees to jot down information before, during, and after their event. Attendees will be able to create notes without leaving the PheedLoop Go! app.

Creating Notes in the Event App

  1. From the Mobile Event App, navigate to the top left hand side and select the three line icon to open the Navigation Menu
  2. In the left hand side Navigation Menu select Notes
  3. Select the Create button on the bottom right corner

Using Notes in the Event App

Once you have created a note, you will have access to a number of options.

  1. Tap on the screen to open your device’s keyboard
  2. Type your note
  3. You can also make use of several options available in most word document systems including:
    1. Bold
    2. Italicize
    3. Underline
    4. Strikethrough
    5. Quote format
    6. HTML format
    7. Text Color
    8. Highlighting
    9. Alignment
    10. Numbered List
    11. Bullet list
    12. Text Sizing
    13. Hyperlink
    14. Clear Formatting
  4. Once you are satisfied with your note, select the Update button to save changes
    1. If you have just started your note, the Update button will be replaced with the Create button. Selecting the Create button serves the same purpose as the Update button.

Deleting Notes in the Event App

  1. From the Mobile Event App, navigate to the top left hand side and select the three line icon to open the Navigation Menu
  2. In the left hand side Navigation Menu select Notes
  3. Select the Note you wish to remove
  4. Select the Delete button
  5. Select Yes

Changing the Position of the Notes Page

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Experiences > Mobile App > Pages
  2. Select Notes from the list
  3. Above the Pages table, select Actions > Re-Order
  4. Select and drag the Notes page to where you wish it to be
  5. Select Save

Hiding the Notes Page in the Event Dashboard

Like with all pages in the Event App, the Notes page can be hidden if deemed unnecessary for your event.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Experiences > Mobile App > Pages
  2. Select Notes from the list
  3. Toggle off Is Visible
  4. Select Save Changes

The page will no longer appear on the Event App.

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