How to Integrate Zapier with PheedLoop

Please note, use of this feature will require a Zapier account to be created.

One of the many platforms PheedLoop offers integration with is Zapier. This platform is ideal for setting up automation between event platforms should you be using resources outside of PheedLoop for your event.

As a common example, if an attendee joins an event on a platform like EventBrite, then their information can be added to PheedLoop as an attendee. Another example, is if a registration is made, then a new row can be created in Excel which will include the attendee information and the amount they paid for registration.

Both of these examples show how other platforms can be used together with PheedLoop for easier management.

To Integrate with Zapier

  1. From the Event Dashboard, select your email on the top right corner and select Settings
  2. Navigate to Integrations
  3. Under Zapier, select Get Started
  4. Select Learn More
  5. Login with your Zapier account or create a new one
  6. Select Create Zap
    1. We also recommend looking at our Popular With PheedLoop users page to see common examples of how Zapier is used.

A draft will now be created which can be triggered whenever a specific condition is met from PheedLoop or the app of your choice.

Signing into PheedLoop within Zapier

Regardless of what app is chosen, PheedLoop will need to be logged into from Zapier in order to function.

Before logging, you will want to grab your Organization Code, API Key, and API Secret Key.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, select your email on the top right corner and select Settings
  2. Navigate to Integrations
  3. Under Rest API, select Get Started
  4. Copy the Organization Code
  5. Copy the API Key
  6. Select Generate New API Secret and copy the API Secret Key
    1. Please note that the API Secret Key will only be generated once. We strongly advise keeping a note of this key as it will not be shown again. Generating a new key will result in previously connected integrations to become disconnected as a security measure.

With this information on hand, you can now login to PheedLoop from Zapier.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, select your email on the top right corner and select Settings
  2. Navigate to Integrations
  3. Under Zapier, select Get Started
  4. Select Learn More
  5. Login to the Zapier website
  6. Select the Zap you wish to adjust from the list
  7. Select the action related to PheedLoop
  8. Select Sign In
  9. Under Organization Code, paste the Organization Code
  10. Under API Key, paste the API Key
  11. Under API Secret, paste the API Secret Key
  12. Select Yes, Continue to PheedLoop

Removing Zaps

If you have created a zap but no longer have a use for it, they can be removed from the Zapier site.

  1. From the Zapier site, navigate to Zaps
  2. Select the Zap you wish to remove
  3. Select Delete Zap
  4. Select Yes, Delete

Actions Available in PheedLoop as the Starting Zap

If you are setting up a Zap with PheedLoop as the starting point, these are the settings available to you. For example, if a new attendee is created in PheedLoop, a new profile in Salesforce will be created.This convenient process removes the need for someone to manually upload this information.

Delete Attendee - This Zap will activate when an attendee deletes their profile or is removed from the Event Dashboard. 

New Attendee - This Zap will activate when an Attendee is created in the Event Dashboard, either through registration or manually added in by an Event Administrator. 

New Member - This Zap will activate when a new contact is added in the Membership Dashboard. Please note, use of this feature requires Membership Management.

New Registration - This Zap will be activated when a new registration is created in your Event Dashboard.

New Ticket Purchase - This Zap will be activated when a ticket has been purchased.

Update Attendee - This Zap will be activated when an Attendee updates their information.

Update Member - This Zap will be activated when a Member updates their information (including their Attendee profiles) across any of your Organization's events. Please note, use of this feature requires Membership Management.

Actions Available in PheedLoop as the Receiving Zap

If PheedLoop is set up in response to Zapier, these are the actions available to you. As an example, if an user registers from EventBrite, a new attendee profile will be created in the Event Dashboard automatically.

Create Attendee - This Zap will create the attendee in the Event Dashboard. If an existing Attendee is using the email specified in this action, then the existing Attendee will be updated with the fields used here (so this Create can also function as an Update).

Create Member - This Zap will trigger when a contact is added to your Membership Dashboard.

This will not be tied to any specific event unless Events Attended is provided. If an existing Member is using the email specified in this action, then the existing Member will be updated with the fields used here (so this Create can also act like an Update).

Delete Attendee - This Zap will trigger when an Attendee is removed from the Event

Event Check In - This Zap will trigger when an Attendee checks into an Event.

Session Check In - This Zap will trigger when an Attendee checks into a session.

Updated Attendee - This Zap will trigger when an Attendee updates their profile information.

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