How to Setup Complimentary Tickets in Registration

Complimentary tickets are free tickets that can be assigned to an existing ticket. For each instance of the ticket purchased, the attendee will receive the listed complimentary tickets.

How to Add Complimentary Tickets

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Registration > Tickets
  2. Select the Ticket you wish to adjust from the list
  3. Navigate to Complimentary Tickets
  4. Select Add Ticket
  5. Under the Ticket column, select the ticket you wish to make complimentary
  6. Under the Quantity column, enter the number of copies to be given for the ticket
  7. Select Save

How to Delete Complimentary Tickets

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Registration > Tickets
  2. Select the Ticket you wish to adjust from the list
  3. Navigate to Connected Tickets
  4. Select Delete next to the ticket you wish to remove

Assigning Complimentary Tickets from the Member Portal

Attendees can transfer ticket ownership of complimentary tickets from their Member Portal. 

  1. From the Member Portal, navigate to Purchases
  2. Select the Tickets you purchased
  3. Select Transfer
  4. Enter the information of the attendee
  5. Select Submit

For more information on transferring tickets in the Member Portal, please review our How to Transfer Tickets as an Attendee article.

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