Adding Editing and Using Attendee Tags

Tags are a fantastic way to manage your attendee management experience. Many PheedLoop features require the use of tags such as Gamification and Badge Scanning.

By creating and assigning these tags, Event Administrators and Team Members can organize and control which features attendees have access to.By default, the following tags are added to your dashboard:
  • Speaker
  • Sponsor
  • Exhibitor

Creating Tags

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Attendees > Tags
  2. Above the Tags table, select Create
    1. Under the Name Field, enter a name for your tag.
    2. Under the Description field, enter an explanation for your tag. This description will only appear in the Event Dashboard and is useful for keeping team members informed.
    3. Under the Color field enter a hex code value for the color of your tag. Colors are displayed in the Event App and Virtual Portal.
    4. Under the Check-In Email Notifications field, enter the email addresses to be notified whenever an attendee with the tag checks into the event.
    5. Under the Check-In SMS Notifications field, enter the phone number to be notified whenever an attendee with the tag checks into the event.
    6. Under the Check-In Message field, enter a customized message to be displayed when attendees check in to the event. For more information on our Check-In capabilities, please review our How to Conduct Event Check-ins for Attendees article.
    7. Under the Image field, select Choose File to upload an image to go along with the tag. The image will only take effect for team gamification.
    8. Toggle on the Tag Visible on Badges checkbox, to make the tag printable on the attendee’s badge. Please note use of this feature requires the OnSite Check-In power-up to use.
    9. Toggle on Gamification Team Tag checkbox to assign teams for Gamification activities. All points will be pooled together from attendees with this tag. Please note use of this feature requires the Gamification power-up.
    10. Toggle on the Private Tag checkbox, to hide the tag from all front end portals like the Member Portal and Event App. Useful for if this tag is intended for internal use only.
    11. Toggle on the Is Scanner checkbox to allow attendees with this tag to scan other attendees into the event. Please note use of this feature requires the OnSite Check-In power-up. For more information, please review our How to Conduct Event Check-ins for Attendees article.
  3. Select Save Changes

How to Assign Tags

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Attendees > Attendees
  2. Select the Attendee you wish to assign the tag to
  3. Scroll down to Tags
  4. Under Connected Tags, select the tag you wish to assign
  5. Select Save Changes

How to Bulk Assign Tags

Multiple attendees can be assigned tags simultaneously for convenience.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Attendees > Attendees
  2. Select the checkboxes of at least two attendees
  3. Above the Attendees table, select Actions > Bulk Edit
  4. Under Tags, select the checkbox to start assigning tags
  5. Under the Connected Tags field, select the tag(s) you wish to assign to the attendees
  6. Select Save Changes

How to Bulk Import Tags

Bulk importing tags is an available feature  in the Event Dashboard. Here, you will be able to upload multiple tags at once without having to configure each one separately.

Downloading the Tags Template

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Attendees > Tags

  2. Above the Tags table, select upload button

  3. Select Download Template

The tag template will now be downloaded into your device.

  1. Open the tag template file

  2. Fill out the information outlined in the Headings in the Tag Import Template step below

  3. Save the document as a CSV file

  4. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Attendees > Tags

  5. Above the Tags table, select the upload button

  6. Select the Drag and drop some files here, or click to select files button to upload your template

  7. Select Submit

Headings in the Tag Import Template

The tag template has multiple columns to fill but only the name and color of the tag columns need to be filled out. Below we will define each column and their purpose.

code The code for your tag, this section can be blank when creating tags. If you would like to bulk edit existing tags, please enter the tag code which can be found by downloading the Tags Template.
name The name of the tag.
color Enter a hexadecimal color value to assign a color to the tag. This field is required to have a color chosen.
description Enter an explanation for the tag in this field.
checkin_message Enter the emails to be notified whenever an attendee with this tag checks into the event. Separate multiple emails with commas.
checkin_notification_mail Enter the phone numbers to be notified whenever an attendee with this tag checks into the event. Separate multiple phone numbers with commas.
is_active Enter TRUE in this column to confirm that the tag is active.
is_hidden Enter TRUE in this column to toggle on the Private Tag checkbox.  Enter FALSE to toggle off the Private Tag checkbox. Please note, tags cannot have the scanner status and private status simultaneously.
is_badge_enabled Enter TRUE in this column to toggle on the Tag Visible on Badges checkbox.  Enter FALSE to toggle off the Tag Visible on Badges checkbox.
is_gamification_team Enter TRUE in this column to toggle on the Gamification Team Tag checkbox.  Enter FALSE to toggle off the Gamification Team Tag checkbox.
is_scanner Enter TRUE in this column to toggle on the IsScanner checkbox.  Enter FALSE to toggle off the Is Scanner checkbox. Please note, tags cannot have the scanner status and private status simultaneously.

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