How to Use SmartSight Analytics
Please note, use of certain features listed in this article will require the Advanced SmartSight Power-Up.
SmartSight is PheedLoop’s analytical system built directly into the Event Dashboard. Use this system to keep track of attendee engagement, what pages they visit and how long they stay.
This is ideal for event organizers looking for more in-depth information and accompanying graphics to easily understand data. Combine this with Custom Reports for a complete understanding of your event’s analytics.
While most features of SmartSight are free with the basic platform, purchasing the power-up variant, Advanced SmartSight, offers additional features and tracking capabilities. The most notable benefit is access to which attendees are viewing the page.
The Raw Data Stream widget will also disclose more information including attendee emails and full access to all parameters.
Last but not least, Advanced SmartSight offers the ability to select specific exhibitors, sponsors, etc. and filter data specifically to them. If data tracking is important for your organization, we recommend purchasing Advanced SmartSight.
Using SmartSight
SmartSight can be accessed by navigating to Data & Reports > SmartSight.
The SmartSight page displays three widgets. The first widget focuses on the graphs and data for each page. This is the primary widget to focus on when using SmartSight.
The second widget is where the export and metric settings are at the right of the page. More information can be found below under the Using the Export Widget section.
The third widget is the Raw Data Stream and displays the last 500 pages or actions done by attendees. If the Advanced SmartSight Power-Up is not included in your account, the identity of the user will be locked. Otherwise, all other fields will still be visible for use. More information can be found below under the Using Raw Data Stream section.
This section will cover the primary SmartSight widget which is used to swap between different data pieces including definitions for each setting.
Select Action
The Select Action field is where Event Organizers can pull their data from. With this field, they can choose between several data pieces such as attendee visits and messages.
- Page Views - The number of visits for each page
- Exhibitor Booth Visits - The number of visits for each exhibitor booth
- Session Visits - The number of visits for each session page
- Speaker Visits - The number of visits for each Speaker page
- Group Networking Visits - The number of visits for each networking page such as the Questions and Answers page for a session
- Attendee Visits - The number of visits for each Attendee page
- Sponsor Visits - The number of visits for each Sponsor page
- Backstage Visits - The number of visits towards the Backstage page in the virtual portal
- Exhibitor Messages - The number of messages sent between attendees and exhibitors
- Session Messages - The number of messages sent in a session’s chat menu
- Group Networking Messages - The number of messages sent in the group chat
- Lobby Messages - The number of messages sent in the lobby chat
- Private Messages - The number of messages sent between attendees
- Exhibitor Lead Capture - The number of lead captures for each exhibitor
- Event Feed Posts - The number of posts in the Event Feed page
- Gamification Codes Found - The number of codes found from Gamification activities
- Matchmaking Survey Completed - The number of attendees that have filled out a matchmaking survey
- Session Check-In Survey Completed - The number of attendees who have completed forms assigned as a session check-in survey
- Profile Settings Updated - The number of attendees who have edited their profile settings
- Session Files Downloaded - The number of attendees who have downloaded files from a session
- Exhibitor Files Downloaded - The number of attendees who have downloaded files from an exhibitor
Select Experience
The Select Experience field is used to select data between the Event App, Virtual Portal, or both.
- All - Select this option to draw data from both the Virtual Portal and PheedLoop Go!
- Virtual Event - Select this option to draw data from only the Virtual Portal
- PheedLoop Go - Select this option to draw data from only PheedLoop Go!
The Count field holds the total number of visits for your event. The Count field does not account for unique attendees, one attendee can equate to multiple counts.
Average Duration
The Average Duration field reflects the average amount of time for each visit. Time is measured in seconds by default.
Unique Attendees
The Unique Attendees field reflects the number of attendees visiting your event. This does not include the total number of visits but the total number of individuals.
Using the Export Widget
All data from SmartSight can be exported for personal use depending on what is being exported. Graphics will be exported as a PNG file whereas data will be exported as a CSV file.
Download Chart Data
Selecting Download Chart Data will the data present in your active SmartSight as a CSV file. Each file includes the following information:
- The date and timestamp of the click
- The number of visits for each page
Export Chart
Selecting this option will download a chart of your active SmartSight as a static png file. The file will contain the chart and a legend representing the page and color assigned to them.
Download Raw Data
The Advanced SmartSight Power-Up is required to use this feature.
Selecting the button will download all data currently present in the Raw Data Stream widget as a CSV file. Each file includes the following information:
- The Attendee’s email
- The date and time of when they entered the page
- The page they clicked on
- The duration of their stay on the page in seconds
Select Metric
The Select Metric field will contain settings to isolate between Count, Average Duration, and Unique Attendees. Selecting between the three will change the graph in the SmartSight widget.
Below the Select Metric field lies options to customize the time displayed in the SmartSight widget.
Start Date
The Start Date is the starting point for the system to collect data. Data generated before this date will not be included. If you are using the free version of SmartSight, this will be the only date setting available for use.
Start Time
This feature is only available with the Advanced SmartSight Power-Up. The start time can be used to account for data after this point in time. Data generated before this time will not be included even if it happens on the same date.
End Date
This feature is only available with the Advanced SmartSight Power-Up. The Start Date and End Date can be used simultaneously to select a date range over a period of time. This is useful for isolating data on specific days.
End Time
This feature is only available with the Advanced SmartSight Power-Up. The End Time is the final point for the system to collect data. Data generated after this date and time will not be included even if it happens on the same date.
Using Raw Data Stream
Please note, some features in this widget will require the Advanced SmartSight Power-Up.
The Raw Data Stream tab is still useful even without the Advanced SmartSight Power-Up. While the identity of the attendee will not be displayed without this Power-Up, all other fields will be visible. Some Actions like Event Feed Posts will not use all the fields outlined below.
With the exception of select SmartSight selections, the Raw Data Stream will hold four columns in most instances:
Attendee - This column will contain the email of the attendee. If the Advanced SmartSight Power-Up is not included in your account, a lock icon will appear on this column to censor the identity. All other columns will be available for view as part of the free version of SmartSight.
Timestamp - The date and time of when the attendee visited the page
Page - The page on where the attendee visited
Duration - The amount of time the attendee stayed on the page for, measured in seconds.
The filter table can also be used to track specific attendees and the pages they visited. Access the filters table by selecting the filters icon on the top right of the Raw Data Stream widget.
As an example, the Pageviews Action will show what pages attendees visited. Whenever an attendee visits a page like the Lobby page, the Raw Data Stream will display the attendee email address (requires the Advanced SmartSight Power-Up), the date and time of their visit, the page they visited, and the duration of their stay.