Using the Report Builder

The Report Builder is an expansion to PheedLoop’s existing Custom Report feature. It serves as more than just an additional method of viewing the report. With the Report Builder, event organizers will have the option to include and exclude fields while having the data refresh in real time.

To create a custom report

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Data & Reports > Custom Reports
  2. Select Create
  3. Under Report Type, select the report type you wish to use
  4. Select the Fields dropdown and select the fields you want populated inside of the report.
  5. Select Save Changes

Now that your report is created, you will want to generate the report in order to download it.

  1. Select the checkbox of your newly created report
  2. Above the Custom Reports table, select Actions > Generate Report
  3. Select Download Previous Report

To access the report builder

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Data & Reports > Custom Reports
  2. Select the checkbox of the report
  3. Above the Reports table, select Actions > Open Report Builder

Using the Report Builder

The Report Builder displays all selected fields in your report similar to how it would appear on a spreadsheet. The main benefit of this is the convenience to preview and edit your fields prior to downloading the report.

Changes are reflected in real time and once the data is sufficient, download the report for further use. When opening the Report Builder, the title of the report will appear along with a preview of the report.

Customize Columns

Fields in the Report Builder can be customized by selecting the Customize Columns button on the top right corner of the Report Builder. The icon resembles three vertical lines next to each other.

Once selected a new form will appear displaying the selectable fields on the left side and fields already included in the Report Builder on the right. Fields will be included on both the Selectable Fields column and the Selected Fields column. Any fields added will have a gray checkmark next to their name.

Adding Fields

To add a Field from the Selectable Fields column, select the plus icon next to the field. The Selectable Fields column also houses a search bar to easily pull up the desired field.

Removing Fields

Fields can be removed in the Selected Fields column by selecting the X icon next to the field.

Changing the order of Fields

The order of the fields can be arranged by clicking the field and dragging it to the desired location.

Once all changes have been made, select Save to save your progress.


The Filters editor form can be accessed by selecting the Filters button on the top right corner of the Report Builder. The icon resembles three horizontal lines on top of each other.

Please note that not every Report Type has filters to choose from.

When opening the filters you will see the option to filter basic on a specific report type. For example, if you are pulling up the session report, you will have the option to specify which sessions you would like to pull from. The same is true for the Gamification report which would allow you to pull some or all codes. Leave this field blank if you would like the report to include all instances for your report type.

Additionally, the Start Date and End Date fields can be used to select a time range for your report. If the start date is set, all data before that date will not be included in the report. The End Date field will exclude all data beyond the date.

Downloading the Report

Once the report is sufficient, it can be downloaded by selecting the Download button. This button resembles a cloud icon with the arrow pointing down.


Data can be reloaded by selecting the Refresh button. This button resembles a circular arrow icon. This button is useful for reports with frequent updates such as registrations.

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