Submitting Reviews as a Reviewer

Please note, this article walks through the process of submitting a review. If you are an Event Administrator and would like to set up proposals and reviewers, please review our How to Assign Proposals to Proposal Reviewers articles.

As a reviewer, you are granted the responsibility of assessing any proposals assigned to you from the Event Administrators. By reviewing these proposals, you will be determining which proposals are valid and will appear as a session for the Event. The Reviewer Portal is where you will fulfill all of your responsibilities.

This article is written with the assumption that you have access to the reviewer. If you experience any difficulties gaining access, please contact your Event Administrator for assistance.

Submitting a Review in the Reviewer Portal

The Reviewer Portal is where you will submit your assessment for the assigned proposals. When the Event Administrators begin the review period, they will share the link to the Reviewer Portal, typically as an email announcement.

Please do not share this link with anyone as they will be given access to your reviewer portal. If you have not received access, please reach out to your Event Administrator for assistance.

Step 1 - Selecting a Proposal in the Reviewer Portal

Once you open the Reviewer Portal, you can see and access all your assigned proposals on the left side of the screen. Select a proposal to begin assessing them.

The proposal details will be open on the same page with the review form to the right of it.

Searching Proposals

Use the search bar at the top of the page to search for a particular proposal. This is useful if you are reviewing multiple proposals.

Filtering Proposals

Proposals can be filtered by Tracks, Formats, and Target Audiences. Select the filters field and below the search bar and select the Track, Format, and Target Audience you wish to filter for.

Step 2 - Filling out the Review Form

The Review Form for you to fill out will be on the right side of the Reviewer Portal. Fill out the form and answer the questions based on the criteria.

Step 3 - Submitting the Review

Once you are done reviewing the proposal and filling out the review form, select Submit to enter your evaluation. The proposal will now have a Reviewed tag to indicate the review has been completed. Please note, review forms can be updated at any time by selecting Update.

Step 4 - Submitting a Review for Multiple Rounds

If your review has multiple rounds, an event administrator can advance a submitted proposal to the next review round once ready. When this happens, the review will reappear in your Reviewer Portal at the top of the list and the Reviewed tag will be removed, indicating that the next review is ready to be submitted.
Simply re-review the proposal and submit your evaluation of the proposal as you would in steps 2 and 3 of this article. 

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