Understanding and Downloading Membership Management Data

For any Organization Administrator, using the Custom Reports feature is important to export and get additional insight for your Organization. While Custom Reports touches nearly all aspects of the Membership Dashboard, this article will cover the various reports associated with Members and their subscriptions.

For information on Members and their subscriptions, it is best to utilize the following reports:

  • Members Report
  • Membership Transaction Report
  • Subscription Report
  • Membership Payment Report

Members Report

The Member Report, as the name suggests, contains information on all Members of your organization. The information in this report is drawn under Contacts > Profiles in the Membership Dashboard are included in this report. This report includes personal information such as name and the email of their account. Any personal information they may have filled out such as the organization they belong to and dietary restrictions can also be included in this report.

Membership Transaction Report

The Membership Transaction Report holds all information regarding purchases from Members during the signup process. All information under the Membership > Transactions in the Membership Dashboard are included in this report. This report includes the email used for the Signup process as well as a link to the pdf file of the invoice/receipt. Additional information such as the date the Signup was made at as well as whether the Signup was completed or not can be included in this report.

Subscription Report

The Subscription Report contains information on all ongoing and expired subscriptions. All completed Signups under Membership > Transactions in the Membership Dashboard are included in this report. This report includes information on when the Membership Type expires as well as whether the Membership Type was approved if enabled in the Membership Dashboard.

The Subscription Report also has some special settings that can be utilized while creating the report. Under the Membership Types field, select one or more Membership Types to include only those Membership Types in the report. Leave this field blank to not filter any results.

Toggle on the Is Active checkbox to only include subscriptions that are currently active in the report. Toggle off this checkbox to not filter any results.

Toggle on the Is Expired checkbox to only include subscriptions that are no longer active in the report. Toggle off this checkbox to not filter any results.

Membership Payment Report

The Membership Payment Report contains information on all invoices for Signups created under Membership > Transactions. Both ongoing and completed invoices are included in this report as well as the address of the recipient.

Creating a Report

Now that you have an understanding of what each report does, you can now create a report based on your organization’s needs.

  1. From the Membership Dashboard, navigate to Data & Reports > Custom Reports
  2. Above the Custom Reports table, select Create
    1. Under the Report Type, select Member Report, Membership Transactions, Subscription Report, or Membership Payment Report, depending on what you need.
    2. Under the Name field, enter a name for your report.
    3. Under the Description field, enter a description for the report.
    4. Under the Fields field, enter all the fields for the report to include.
    5. Under the Start Date field, enter the date for the report to begin capturing information. Information before this date will not be included in the report. Leave this field blank to include all information.
    6. Under the End Date field, enter the date for the report to stop capturing information. Information after this date will not be included in the report. Leave this field blank to include all information.
  3. Select Save Changes

Now that your report is created, you will want to generate the report in order to download it.

  1. Select the checkbox of your newly created report
  2. Above the Custom Reports table, select Actions > Generate Report
  3. Select Download Previous Report

The report will now be downloaded onto your device where it can be used and shared as needed.

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