Choosing what default Registration information to collect

PheedLoop’s registration system has default fields so that basic information can be easily collected for each Registration Order. Information fields can be set as a requirement or hidden entirely so that only the relevant information is collected for your organization. This article will review what default information fields are available and how to add them to your registration. 


How to manage default information fields

All information fields will appear in the Details step on the Event Dashboard. Most fields can be configured so that they are required to be entered before the registrant can proceed with their registration. Each category can be customized with different fields at the discretion of your organization. 

1.1 - From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Registration > Categories

1.2 - Select the category you wish to use from the list

1.3 - Scroll down to Details and toggle on the following checkboxes:

  • Collect Organization and Require Organization: This will include the option/requirement for registrants to fill out their organization information.
  • Collect Title and Require Title: This will include the option/requirement for registrants to fill out their title.
  • Collect Address and Require Address: This will include the option/requirement for registrants to fill out their address.

  • Collect Designations: This will include the option for the registrant to enter any designations they may possess.
  • Collect Pronouns: This will include the option for the registrant to enter their preferred pronouns.
  • Collect Dietary Restrictions: This will include the option for the registrant to enter any dietary restrictions they may possess.
  • Collect Accessibility Requirements: This will include the option for the registrant to enter any accessibility requirements they may need accommodated.

1.4 - Select Save Changes

Once saved, the changes will now appear on the Event Website on the registration process. For any Collect checkboxes that are toggled off, they will not appear as a field for registrants to fill out. 

Optional and required default information

Organization, Title, and Address can be designated as required fields, meaning that registrants will not be able to proceed without completing them. 

If Designations, Pronouns, Dietary Restrictions, and Accessibility Requirements are collected, they will be optional to complete. 


After reading this article, you should have an understanding of the various information fields available for registrant input. You should also understand how to make these fields mandatory and hide them if they are not necessary for the event.  

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