Editing the Purchase Reminder Email

The final email template relevant to the PheedLoop registration system is the Purchase Reminder Email. This article will review its purpose and how to edit this communication.


What is the Purpose of the Purchase Reminder Email?

Purchase reminders are sent automatically the day before your event to remind purchase holders of the tickets they purchased. You may turn off this automated email sequence via your registration settings, but can always send them manually at any time.

You may customize this email body if you would like to instruct attendees pre-event in any way, promote sponsors, or encourage usage of the Event app. A link to access the event app is included by default in this email, so it is a great way to encourage more app engagement, and speed up the on-site check-in process. If the ticket is a virtual event ticket, the link will lead to the virtual event portal instead.

How Can the Purchase Reminder Email be Customized?

You can edit the subject and body of the Purchase Reminder email to communicate information relevant to your event.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Communications > Email Templates

  1. Select Purchase Reminder from the list

  2. Under the Subject field, edit the subject line as required

  1. Under the Body Text field, edit the body of the email as required

  1. Toggle on the Remove Default Welcome Message checkbox to remove the default greeting included with the email
    1. It is recommended to enable this setting as you will likely have a greeting included already in the Body Text field.

  1. Toggle off the Enable Attachment checkbox if you wish to exclude any pdf attachments in the Registration Confirmation Email
    1. It is recommended to enable this setting or the receipt/invoice will not be included in the email.

  1. Select Save Changes

How Can the Purchase Reminder Emails be Disabled?

There may be instances where the Purchase Reminder email is not needed for your event. If this applies to your event, you can disable the Purchase Reminder email with the following:

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Registration > Settings and scroll down to Options

  1. Toggle off the Enable Purchase Reminder Emails checkbox

  1. Select Save Changes


The Purchase Reminder email is a powerful tool in the PheedLoop registration system, designed to provide attendees with all the information they need to attend the event with minimal issues. By customizing its content, you can provide attendees with vital pre-event information, promote sponsors, and encourage app usage for a seamless check-in experience. If necessary, this email can also be disabled to suit the unique requirements of your event. The Purchase Reminder email ensures attendees are informed and prepared, contributing to the overall success of your event.

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