Editing and Adding Tickets within a Registration Order in the Event Dashboard

As an event organizer, you may get requests to edit existing ticket purchases and/or add tickets to an existing registration order. The PheedLoop event dashboard allows you to do so conveniently with just a few clicks. This article will review what options are available when it comes to editing tickets as well as how to execute these changes.


How to Edit Existing Ticket Purchases

There are a number of edits that can be made to existing Ticket Purchases. 

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Registration > Orders

  1. Select the order you intend to adjust from the list
  2. Scroll down to Tickets and next to the ticket, select Actions

From here, you will see a number of options to choose from. Below is a summary of what each action and their function:



Attendee Summary Clicking on this option will link you to the ticket holder’s attendee profile in the Event Dashboard. 
Toggle Redeem Status This will change the redeem status of the ticket. 
Toggle Cancellation Status This option will cancel the ticket from the order. The price of the ticket will be deducted from the Finance Summary. Select Toggle Cancellation Status a second time to undo the change. Please note, cancelling a ticket will not cancel the order itself.  
Download PDF Selecting this option will download a PDF file containing the QR code for your ticket along with some miscellaneous information.
Re-Send Confirmation Select this option to send the confirmation email to the Ticket Holder. 
Send Reminder Select this option to send a reminder email to the Ticket Holder. 
Get Form Link

This option will present a link to the Form attached to the ticket. The link can be used to update the responses from ticket holders. If there is no form assigned to the ticket then the URL will not populate.

Please note, the Portal Active checkbox must be toggled on or else the link will not work. For more information please, review our Collecting Custom Ticket Holder Information Using Ticket Forms article.

Transfer Purchase As the name suggests, the Transfer Purchase option is used to transfer the ticket to a new ticket holder. Once selected, you can change the first name, last name, email, organization, and title to the new Ticket Holder. You can also toggle on the Send Confirmation Email checkbox to email a copy of the ticket to the new ticket holder. 
Delete Purchase This option will delete the ticket from the registration order. This action cannot be undone. We recommend only doing this if you are certain the ticket does not need to be part of the order.

How to Add Tickets to an Existing Registration Order

Additional tickets can be assigned to the order in the editor form.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Registration > Orders and select the order you wish to adjust from the list

  1. Scroll down to Tickets and select Add Ticket

  1. Under the Select Existing Attendee field, select an attendee to be assigned the ticket

  1. Alternatively, toggle on the Create a New Attendee checkbox to assign the ticket to a new attendee
    1. Additional fields will appear if this checkbox is selected. Fill out the Email, First Name, Last Name fields to create the attendee. The Organization and Title fields are optional to fill out.

  1. Select Next

You will be taken to the next step of the action where you can select the ticket. 

  1. Toggle on the Show All Tickets checkbox if you would like to see all tickets added to your event
    1. Tickets are hidden automatically if they are not available by default. Toggling this checkbox will allow you to assign them regardless of their availability. 
    2. Please note, this checkbox will only appear if there are unavailable tickets for your event. If all tickets are available, this checkbox will not be visible.

  1. Under the Select Ticket field, select the ticket you wish to assign to the ticket holder

  1. Under the Quantity field, enter the number of copies the ticket holder should own

  1. Toggle on the Send Confirmation Email checkbox if you would like to send a confirmation email to the ticket holder
    1. The email will contain a PDF copy of the ticket.

  1. Toggle on the Complimentary Ticket checkbox if you would like to add the ticket for free 

  1. Select Next

Once the Ticket(s) have been added, the Amount Owing in the Finance Summary of the Registration Order will update accordingly. Please note that as you assign additional tickets, the payments section of the order will need to be updated to account for the additional cost. Please proceed to our Editing and Adding Payments in the Event Dashboard article for instructions on how to add payments.

Using the Add Tickets Action

An alternative method to adding tickets is with the Add Tickets action on the same page. This method is typically quicker than the traditional method and allows for selection of existing attendees when assigning tickets.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Registration > Orders select the order you wish to adjust from the list

  1. Above the Orders table, select Actions > Add Tickets

  1. Repeat the steps outlined under the How to Add Tickets to an Existing Registration Order section

The tickets will now be assigned to the registration order. Please note that the cost of the ticket will need to be added manually under the Payments section of the order. For instructions on how to add payments, please review our [Editing and Adding Payments in the Event Dashboard] article.


After reviewing this article, you are now well-equipped to manage registration tickets for your event. From editing existing Tickets to adding new Tickets, you have all the information necessary to master your event’s ticket management. 

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