Merging Contacts in the Membership Dashboard

When a member creates multiple profiles in PheedLoop, they may leave behind information which can be challenging to organize. To clean up the data for your members, PheedLoop offers a merge feature that will allow you to take two profiles and fully transfer one to the other. Once merged, the profile sending the information will be deleted and the recipient will remain. The recipient will also retain their original information ensuring no data is overwritten during the transfer.

Please note that it can take a few minutes for the system to complete the transfer process. A notification will be sent to your dashboard once the process has been completed.

  1. From the Membership Dashboard, navigate to Contacts > Profiles
  2. Above the Profiles table, select Actions > Contact Transfer

  1. From the From Contact A field, select the member to copy information from
    1. Please note this profile will be deleted after the process is completed. There is no way to undo this. 
  2. From the To Contact B field, select the contact that will receive this information from
  3. Select Transfer Contact

The transfer process will occur in the background. Once the process is complete, a notification will be sent to the dashboard’s bell icon.

What is carried over during the transfer?

During the transfer process, the following items are carried over to the transferred contact. If Contact B has any field that is empty the system will try to populate it with data from Contact A. For example, If Contact B does not have any home address fields but Contact A does, Contact B will contain the address fields from Contact A. ​​ Fields that are already populated will not be updated.

Once the transfer is completed, Contact B will contain the event attendance from both contacts. For example, imagine that Contact A has attended two unique events and Contact B has attended another two unique events. After the transfer, Contact B will have the attendance of all four events.

Please note, the transfer will not overwrite any filled in information. The transfer will only populate blank fields.

Below is a summary of all items that are transferred between Contact A and Contact B.

Membership Dashboard Event Dashboard Virtual Portal PheedLoop Go!
Contact personal fields Registration information Gamification Prize Ownership Raffle Entries and Winners
Membership Transactions Ticket Purchases Gamification Points Attendee Violations
Membership Subscriptions Hotel Reservation Feed posts, comments, and likes Feed posts, comments, and likes
Contact Notes in the Membership Dashboard Speakers Information Donations Meetings
Job Board Posts in the Membership Dashboard and Member Portal Exhibitors (Contact Primary and Managers)
Gamification Prize Ownership
Contact Organization Sponsors (Contact Primary and Managers)
Gamification Points
Transactions in the Learning Management System Ticket Transfer Requests
Scavenger Spot Post
Course registrations in the Learning Management System Session CheckIn

Event CheckIn

Session Feedback

Form Responses

Form Assignments

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