How can I set up Promotion Codes?
Promotion codes are a great feature to use when you want to give attendees discounts on a percentage or monetary value basis. Similarly to promo codes you have probably used in the past, you can assign a password to retrieve the discount but also have the ability to restrict and maximize the use and detail of each code.
Please note, multiple promotion codes can be applied at checkout. Promotion codes are case sensitive.
1. Creating Promo Codes for Attendees
- From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Registration > Promotions and above the promotions table, select Create
- Toggle on the Active checkbox, this will make the promo code usable
- Under Name, fill out the name of the promo code
- Under Promotion Code, fill out the code you would want attendees to enter to access the discount
- Under Discount Amount, fill out the number which you would like the promo code to take off the total amount of the ticket
- Under Discount Percentage, fill out the percent the promo code will discount off the total amount of the ticket
- Fill out either the Discount Amount OR Discount Percentage, if you fill out both, it will deduct both from the registration.
- Under Uses, fill out the maximum number of times this promotion is allowed to be applied to a registration
- Under Connected Tickets, choose the tickets you would like to connect to the promo code
- The promotion code will not apply unless a ticket from this list is added to the cart.
- If you leave this blank, the promo code will be able to be used for every ticket an attendee can purchase.
- Under Advanced Settings, toggle on the Single Application Only checkbox if you want the promotion code to impact one of each ticket in registration
- For example, if the attendee purchases two copies of three tickets, the promotion code will only apply to one copy of each of the three tickets.
- Under Purchase Minimum, fill out the minimum price an attendee must checkout with for them to implement the promo code
- Select Save Changes
1 (A). Setting Promotion Limits for Registration Categories
Each Registration Category allows a set number of promotions that can be applied at checkout.
- From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Registration > Categories
- Select the category you wish to adjust from the list
- Scroll down to Payment
- Under the Promotion Limit field, enter the maximum number of promotions that can be applied at checkout
- Select Save Changes
2. Testing Promotion Codes
After you create your promo code, it’s recommended that you test it out by going through your own registration process!
Please note, multiple promotion codes can be applied at checkout.
- From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Event Portals > Event Website
- From the Event Website, select Register Now
- Navigate through the registration flow until you get to the Checkout step
- Add the tickets to checkout and under the Promotion Code field, fill out the promo code
- Select Apply
If done correctly, the intended discount will apply to the registration! Make sure to double check the spelling as the promo codes are case sensitive.
3. Downloading a Promotion Code Report
3 (A). Creating a Promo Code Report
- From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Data & Reports > Custom Reports and above the custom reports table, select Create
- Under Report Type, select Promotions
- Under Name, fill out the name of the report
- Under Fields, select Code, Promotion Code, Stakeholder Code, Promotion Code Name, Amount, and Date Applied
- Under Start Date and End Date, fill out the specific date the report will extract the information from
- Select Save Changes
3 (B). Downloading the Custom Report
- From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Data & Reports > Custom Reports and select the promotions report from the list
- Above the custom reports table, select Actions > Generate Report
- Once the report is created, select Download Previous Report
- Depending on the size of the report this may take a while and will need a refresh of the browse
4. Bulk Uploading Promotion Codes
Please note, this article covers the process for importing Promotions. If you would like to know how to import orders and ticket purchases, please review our Bulk Importing Ticket Purchases and Registrations article. If you would like to learn more about registration, please review our Getting Started with Registration article.
For convenience, multiple promotions can be imported in the Event Dashboard without needing to create them manually.
- From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Registration > Promotions and above the Promotions table, select the upload button
- Select Download Template
The ticket template will now be downloaded onto your device.
- Open the Ticket template file
- Fill out the information outlined in the Headings in the Promotions Upload Template step below
- Save the document as a CSV file
- From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Registration > Promotions
- Above the Promotions table, select the upload button
- Select the Drag and drop some files here, or click to select files button to upload your template
- Select Submit
Headings in the Promotions Upload Template
code | This field is only necessary if you intend to edit a promotion. Enter the Promotion code under this column to edit their information. Leave this field blank to create new promotions. |
promotion_code | Enter the code that attendees can use to access the promotion at checkout under this column. |
name | Enter the name of the promotion code under this column. |
start_date | Enter the date that attendees can begin using the promotion under this column. |
expiry_date | Enter the date that the promotion code will no longer be available for use under this column. |
start_time | Enter the time that attendees can begin using the promotion under this column. |
expiry_time | Enter the time that the promotion code will no longer be available for use under this column. |
amount | Enter a dollar amount to be deducted upon the successful application of this promotion. A promotion can only apply for a dollar amount or percentage, not both. |
percent | Enter a percentage of the total amount to be deducted upon the successful application of this promotion. A promotion can only apply for a dollar amount or percentage, not both. |
uses | Enter the maximum number of times this promotion can be used. The promotion code will not be usable once the limit is reached. |
is_active | Enter True under this column to toggle on the Active checkbox. Enter False or leave blank to turn off this checkbox. |
is_single_apply | Enter True under this column to toggle on the Single Application Only checkbox. Enter False or leave blank to turn off this checkbox. |
purchase_minimum | Enter the minimum dollar amount an attendee needs to have in their cart before they can use the promotion. |
tickets_connected | Enter the ticket codes that this promotion is applicable for. This column will affect the Connected Tickets field in the Event Dashboard. The promotion will not work for tickets not part of this column. Leave blank to make the promotion available for all tickets. Ticket codes can be found from the Event Dashboard by navigating to Registration > Tickets and selecting the download icon on the far right of the Create button. The code will be under the code column of the CSV file. |