Streaming Options in PheedLoop

PheedLoop offers a wide variety of options when it comes to streaming, starting from its own native Meet & Stream system, to third-party options. Depending on your budget and requirements, you may choose to mix and match several options to achieve the most desirable experience for your virtual event.
Streaming Options Price
PheedLoop Built-In Live Meet & Stream + Direct RTMP See Pricing Options
PheedLoop Built-In Pre-Recorded Upload & Stream + Simulive Free
Built-In API Integrated Service (Zoom or ClickMeeting) Free
Custom Embedded Service (e.g. Vimeo Live, BlueJeans, etc.) Free

PheedLoop Built-In Live Meet & Stream + Direct RTMP

Meet & Stream offers the capability to run a full meeting and streaming experience for you and your speakers right inside the PheedLoop system. This means you don't have to go anywhere else for additional services and rely on one simple, streamlined platform to manage everything for you right from your virtual event portal's backstage. It's pay as you go, so you don't have to make a massive upfront commitment. You can also opt to skip the "Meet" part and use our Direct RTMP option if you'd like to stream from an external source like OBS or StreamYard.

PheedLoop Built-In Pre-Recorded Upload & Stream + Simulive

Upload & Stream offers the capability to upload MP4 files of your sessions, and play them back for attendees. There's no extra charge for this whatsoever. Many events use a hybrid model where they stream some live content and stream some pre-recorded content. PheedLoop also offers Simulive for Upload & Stream, which means your pre-recorded content plays in sync for all attendees as if it is actually live! You can also host all your live content via Upload & Stream post-event to ensure it is available for on-demand access for week or even months.

Built-In API Integrated Service

PheedLoop offers 2 API integrated platforms (Zoom and ClickMeeting) which allow you to seamlessly integrate these third-party platforms right inside your PheedLoop sessions. These are not just basic iframes or links, our API integrations manage authentication and integration at a far more advanced level. For more information about these two options, see Setting up Zoom and Setting up ClickMeeting.

Custom Embedded Service

PheedLoop’s customizable platform allows you to use any streaming service with embedding capabilities. Common options for this feature are Vimeo Live/YouTube Live/ON24 for a custom RTMP situation, your own HLS stream, BlueJeans, GoToMeeting, etc.

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