Attendee Magic Login Links

Please note, if your team is using a White Label App for your event, please contact to configure your app. 

Magic login links are designed to make the process of logging in for new attendees as effortless as possible. Magic login links are very similar to temporary passwords for attendees, in that they work for any attendee that has not set a custom password yet. 

The magic login link system is designed to work for specific PheedLoop portals only, where attendee login is required. A primary example is if you are running a virtual or hybrid event in the virtual portal or Event App. To get started, follow the instructions in this article to create an attendee invitation email consisting of a call-to-action link and that leads to your virtual event portal (e.g. and/or PheedLoop Go!.

To Include Magic Login Links in your Announcement

We strongly recommend reviewing our Customizing Sending and Automating Announcements article for additional information on our announcements feature.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Communications > Announcements
  2. Above the Announcements table, select Create
  3. Under the Announcement Title field, enter the title of your announcement
  4. Under the Details field, enter the contents of your announcement
    1. In this field, select Insert Token and select Magic Login Button and/or App Magic Login Button. When attendees select Magic Login Button, they will be taken to the virtual portal. The App Magic Login Button will lead to PheedLoop Go! 
  5. Scroll down to Delivery
    1. Toggle on the Email Notifications Enabled checkbox
    2. Ensure the Push Notifications Enabled checkbox is toggled off
    3. Toggle on the Allow Multiple Deliveries checkbox if you would like to send the announcement multiple times as part of testing
  6. Scroll down to Scheduling
    1. Under Display Date, select the day that will be displayed in the Announcement’s date field
      1. Please note, this setting will not automatically publish the announcement.
    2. Under Display Time, enter the time that be displayed in the Announcement’s date field
      1. Please note, this setting will not automatically publish the announcement.
    3. Under Automatic Publish Date, enter the day for the announcement to be automatically published
    4. Under Automatic Publish Time, enter the time for the announcement to be automatically published
      1. Please note, announcements are published at the closest five minute mark. For example if you enter 12:07PM as the time, the announcement will be released at 12:10PM.
  7. Scroll down to Advanced Settings 
    1. Toggle on the Include Login Credentials checkbox
  8. Select Save Changes

Once your announcement is created, you can wait for it to be published automatically. If you would like to test your announcement immediately, you can send the announcement from the Event Dashboard.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Communications > Announcements
  2. Select the checkbox of the announcement you wish to send
  3. Above the Announcements table, select Actions > Send Single Announcement
    1. If you would like to send an email to everyone, select Send Bulk Announcement and Confirm.
  4. Under the Select Attendee field, select the attendee you wish to send the announcement to 
  5. Select Send

You can also use the Virtual Event Welcome Email option in that article as the magic login link will be added automatically to that email, but we strongly recommend using custom announcements to allow you better control, analytics, and customization.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Attendees > Attendees
  2. Select the checkboxes of the attendees you wish to send the announcement to
  3. Above the Announcements table, select Actions > Email > Event App Welcome and/or Virtual Portal Welcome

Once an attendee receives the email based on the announcement you configured, they will notice the typical login credentials in the email body. What will be less obvious is the magic login link hidden behind the call-to-action button. Upon clicking that button, without the need to actually enter their credentials, they will be logged in automatically!

Please note, logins will expire after 72 hours of inactivity. Attendees can always click on the Magic Login Link again to login and restart the timer.

Frequently Asked Questions

When I click on the button, I am not being logged in automatically, why not?

Although rare, there are several reasons this may be the case, consider the following:

  1. Your announcement may not be configured correctly, ensure you've selected the options to Include Login Credentials and Email Notifications Enabled
  2. The attendee may have already set a custom password after logging in once, in which case the temporary password nor the magic link will function anymore for security purposes
  3. You are currently logged into another account, in which case the magic login system will keep your currently logged in account active on-screen and not switch accounts
  4. The magic login link has expired. The Magic Login Link will expire after two weeks. If the announcement is older than two weeks, this is the most likely cause for why it is not working.

Do magic login links expire?

Yes, each magic login link is active for 2 weeks and then will be regenerated. The magic login link will be auto-regenerated the next time you send an announcement that is designated to include login credentials. There are no additional steps for you to do outside of resending the announcement.

Can I download or access magic login links as an admin?

No, you cannot. Magic Login Links are only generated once they are sent to the Attendee’s email address.You can, however, access an attendee's temporary password (which, again, is also only possible if they have not set a custom password of their own).

What if someone forwards the magic login link?

The magic login link will always be accompanied by the actual temporary login credentials in the body of an email. We strongly advise attendees not forward emails that contain sensitive information as doing so will give the recipient access to their account. No email containing magic links can ever be sent that do not contain the text-based temporary passwords as well.

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