Setting up a Photo Scavenger Hunt using Gamification

Please note, Using this feature requires the Gamification Event Power-Up and the event app. Photo Scavenger is not currently available for Virtual Events.

One of the features you will get access to when purchasing our Gamification Event Power-Up is Photo Scavenger Hunt.

This feature allows you to set up photo challenges for on-site events that award points when submitted through the Mobile Event App. One of the most common ways customers utilize this feature is by giving a brief description and allowing attendees to take a photo that matches that description. Not only is Photo Scavenger a good way to drive user engagement, it also creates a fun experience for Attendees throughout the event. 

PheedLoop's in built prize management system can also be used to award dedicated attendees. For more information, please review our Setting up Gamification and Prizes for In-Person Events and Setting Up Gamification & Prizes for Virtual Events article.

As an administrator or team member, you have the authority to create challenges and include who can take part in them. When an attendee's submission is approved, they will be rewarded with a set amount of gamification points.  Posts that are not approved will not earn any points.

1. Setting Up Photo Scavenger

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Advanced > Gamification > Photo Scavenger
  2. Above the Photo Scavenger table, select Create
  3. Under Title, enter the name of your Photo Scavenger post
  4. Under Start Date & Time, enter the date and time you wish to start the Photo Scavenger post
  5. Under End Date & Time, enter the date and time you wish to end the Photo Scavenger post
  6. Under Description, enter any additional information you wish to include for the Photo Scavenger post
  7. Under Points, enter the number of points attendees receive once their submission is approved
  8. Under Publish Date & Time, enter the date and time you wish to notify attendees of the Photo Scavenger
    1. Attendees will receive a push notification once a Photo Scavenger Hunt challenge is made live. Notifications are only sent out as a push notification and not by email

Common Examples of Photo Scavenger Hunts

Examples for Photo Scavenger Hunt challenges include:

  • Take a picture with the conference logo
  • Take a picture with a fellow attendee
  • Take a picture of a session
  • Take a picture with your group

2. Participating in the Photo Scavenger Hunt as an Attendee

Attendees can access and submit posts with the PheedLoop Go! Mobile Event App.

  1. From the Mobile Event App, navigate to Gamification > Challenges 
  2. Scroll down to the Photo Challenges section
  3. Select the challenge you would like to participate in from the list
  4. Select either Snap Photo or Choose Photo to enter your submission
  5. Under the Add a description (Optional) field, enter a description for the post
  6. Select Post to Photo Scavenger Spot

Submissions from your account will appear under the Submitted tab and submissions from other attendees can be found in the Discover tab. Please note, that posts pertaining to challenges will only be visible to attendees who have already completed said challenge. Submissions from others will appear blurred out until they complete the challenge themself.

3. Approving Photo Scavenger Submissions as an Admin 

Once attendees start submitting posts, you will have to approve them  for them to appear in the discover tab and for them to receive gamification points.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Advanced > Gamification > Photo Scavenger Posts
  2. Select the post you would like to moderate from the list
  3. Toggle on the Approved checkbox and toggle off the Is Pending checkbox to make the post appear on the Mobile Event App
  4. Select Save Changes
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