Setting Up Live Polls and Q&A

Please note, the Advanced Audience Interaction Power-Up is required to use this feature.

This article will touch upon the Live Polls and Q&A feature when using the in-person event app as well as the Virtual Event Portal.

Our Live Polls and Q&A feature actually is a feature that works both the in-person Mobile Event App and the Virtual Event Portal. Polls and Q&A are managed within the Virtual Event itself via the Backstage for Virtual Event Experiences. For in-person the Mobile Event App - the Speaker Portal is used to manage Live Polls and Q&A.

1. How to Setup Live Polls in the Virtual Event Portal

Creating Live Polls in Virtual Event Portal:

Adding, editing and moderating your polls can be done entirely through the virtual web portal, especially if you have a hybrid or virtual event. The backstage is where you can control all of the live poll functionality. For event administrators, they are able to see all sessions in the backstage. For speakers, they can see the backstage for sessions they are associated with.

  1. From your Event Dashboard, navigate to Event Portals > Virtual Event Portal > Backstage
    1. Note: If you do not see the Backstage option in the menu on the left-hand side, ensure you have not disabled it in your Event Dashboard in Experiences > Virtual > Settings.
  2. Select the session would you like to test live polling
  3. Select the Polls and Q&A tab
  4. Select the Add New Poll button to add a new poll

2. Enabling and Disabling Live Polls, and Casting Votes

Once a live poll is created you have the option to enable or disable the poll as well as cast votes.

Enabling and Disabling Live Polls:

  1. From your Virtual Event Portal, navigate to Backstage 
  2. Select the session you want to adjust from the list
  3. Select Polls and Q&A
    1. By selecting Enable, the poll will become live.
    2. By selecting Disable, the poll will not be deleted, but it will not not be live.
    3. By selecting Edit, the Poll Editor form will appear for you to edit.

Casting Votes:

  1. From the Virtual Event Portal, navigate to Sessions
  2. Select the session with the poll enabled from the list
  3. On the right hand side of the session, select Polls
  4. Cast the vote on the polls which are enabled and available from the list

Based on the format of your event, you can try different techniques on when the polls should be enabled whether you want it prior to a session, during, or after. The results for these polls will show up in real time as soon as they cast their vote.

3. Reviewing Q&A in the Virtual Event Portal

Event admins and speakers can use their Virtual Event Portal to answer questions posed by users in their Q&A in the same area where they can find the polls. 

  1. From the Virtual Event Portal, navigate to Sessions
  2. Select a session you would like to adjust from the list
  3. Once you are in the session, four icons will appear on the left: Chats, Polls, Questions, and Attendees
    1. Some of these may not be available if you have disabled them in the Event Dashboard > Sessions > Sessions > select a session and in the editor form scroll to Options.

In Questions, the event admin, speaker, and users are able to ask questions. Event admin’s and speakers (assigned to those sessions) are able to answer questions but attendees are not. To do so, each question has a Enter new response section underneath which is the space to answer each specific question.

4. How to Setup Live Polls in the Mobile Event App

Sending the Speaker Portal to your Speakers: 

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Speakers > Speakers
  2. Select a speaker you like to send the Speaker Portal to from the list
  3. Select Actions > Welcome Email
    1. To edit the Welcome Email, navigate to Communications > Email Templates. Select the Speaker Welcome and make sure to toggle on Enable Call-To-Action Button checkbox to attach the Speaker Portal link.

Creating a Live Poll in the Speaker Portal:

For speakers who are assigned to a session, they are able to create Live Polls without the event administrators permission right in their Speaker Portal. 

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Event Portal > Speaker Portal
    1. If you are a speaker, just access your Speaker Portal directly.
  2. Navigate to Sessions
  3. Select the session you would like to add live polls to the list
  4. Select Polls
  5. Fill out Poll Question, Option 1, and Option 2
    1. If you select Add Option, you can add as many answers to the poll as you like.
  6. Select Save

Enabling and Disabling Live Polls: 

  1. From the Speaker Portal, navigate to Sessions
  2. Select the session you have added a live poll to
  3. Select Polls
  4. Select the live poll you have created from the list
  5. Select Enable Poll
    1. If you select Delete Poll, this will remove the poll from the list.

How to Project Live Poll Results:

Note - this will only be available if there has been votes added to the poll.

  1. From the Speaker Portal, navigate to Sessions
  2. Select the session you have added a live poll to
  3. Select Polls
  4. Select the live poll you have created from the list
  5. To the left hand side of Results, select the Full Screen icon

5. Reviewing Q&A in the Mobile Event App and Speaker Portal

Reviewing in the Speaker Portal:

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Event Portals > Speaker Portal
    1. If you are a speaker, just access your Speaker Portal directly.
  2. Navigate to Sessions in the left hand side navigation menu
  3. Select the session you would like to review from the list
  4. Navigate to Q&A

From the Q&A section in your speaker portal, you can review questions that were posed along with the ability to answer them as well.

Reviewing in the Mobile Event App:

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Event Portals > Mobile Event App > Mobile App Preview
  2. Navigate to Schedule from the left hand navigation menu
  3. Select the session you would like to view questions from
  4. Select Questions
    1. This is at the bottom of the application.

From the Questions section within sessions in the Mobile Event App, speakers are able to answer questions posed by attendees.

6. Downloading Data for Polls, Poll Responses, and Q&A

Once your session or event is completed, you may want to extract the information from your sessions when it comes to results of live polls or answers from the Q&A.

Creating Custom Reports for Live Q&A: 

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Data & Reports > Custom Reports
  2. Above the custom reports table, select Create
  3. Under Report Type, select either Polls, Poll Responses, or Session Q&A
    1. If you select Polls, under Fields you can select Session, Question, Votes, and Winning Option. Under Sessions, select the session you want to pull the data from.
    2. If you select Poll Responses, under Fields you can select Session, Question, Response, and a plethora of other attendee related fields. Under Sessions, select the session you want to pull the data from.
    3. If you select Session Q&A, under Fields you can select Time, Session, Question, Answer, Votes, and a plethora of other attendee related fields. Under Sessions, select the session you want to pull the data from. Under Start Date and End Date, select specific dates to narrow the timeline of the Q&A responses.
  4. Under Name, fill out the name of the custom report
    1. Name and Report Type are the only two required fields.
  5. Select Save Changes

All the relevant report types:

  1. Polls - gives you results of the polls 
  2. Poll Responses - gives you who answered which poll
  3. Q&A - gives you questions asked and who asked them

Downloading Polls, Poll Responses, and Q&A Custom Reports:

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Data & Reports > Custom Reports
  2. Select the custom report you would like to download from the list
  3. Above the custom report table, select Actions > Generate Report
  4. Once the report has been generated, select Download Previous Report
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