Setting Up your Exhibitor Application

Please note use of this feature requires the  Sponsor & Exhibitor Application System module.

The exhibitor application gives interested exhibitors the opportunity to apply to your event. All applications will automatically show up in the Exhibitor section of the dashboard with a pending status.

This article will go over the application process for exhibitors. For information on the Exhibitor Portal page, please visit our Uploading Exhibitors and Sending Their Exhibitor Portal article.

Step 1 - Access, and Customize your Exhibitor Application Portal

To Access the Exhibitor Application

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Event Portals > Application Portals
  2. Select Exhibitor Application

A new page will appear showing the Exhibitor Application. Each step of the application process is customizable. We always recommend testing your application regularly to ensure everything is functioning.

To Customize the Home Page

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Exhibitors > Application Portal
  2. Scroll down to General
  3. Enter the support information under Support Details
    1. This can be contact information for exhibitors to send any questions they have or additional instructions for clarity. This information will appear on the bottom left corner of the screen in the Help button in the Exhibitor Portal.
  4. Enter any opening information under Welcome Text
    1. All Welcome Text will appear on top of the Start page. If left blank, a default message will be displayed. We recommend creating a customized introduction to get prospective exhibitors excited about your upcoming event.
  5. Select Save Changes

If you would like to include footer text at the bottom of the page you can do so with Contract Application Footer. This text will appear in the bottom of the Application Portal for each page.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Exhibitors > Application Portal
  2. Scroll down to Contract Settings
  3. Enter the text under the Contract Application Footer
  4. Select Save Changes

Beyond words, a logo image can also be inserted which will appear in the application page.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to General > Design
  2. Scroll down to Banner Images
  3. Select Choose File under Portal Banner Image and upload your image
  4. Select Save Changes

The banner image will appear in the bottom left corner of the Application Portal.

Configuring the Application Steps

Each page can be customized to appear in the application. For example, you can customize what kind of information is required to collect from applicants.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Exhibitors > Application Portal
  2. Scroll down to Information Collection Settings
  3. Toggling off the Collect Profile Details will remove the Profile Details sections in the Details page of the Exhibitor Application Portal
  4. Toggle on the Allow Exhibitors to Select Services checkbox to allow for services to be visible and selectable in the Details step of the application
  5. Toggling off the Collect Secondary Contact will remove the Secondary Details section in the Details page of the Exhibitor Application Portal
  6. Toggling off the Collect Billing Address will remove the Billing Address section in the Details page of the Exhibitor Application Portal 
  7. Toggle on the Enable Single Sign-On checkbox to allow the use of any SSO integration you have added in the Event Dashboard
    1. Please note, use of this feature requires SSO Configuration for Wicket, Netforum, or Microsoft Azure to be included in your account. SSO Configuration is an additional charge.
    2. Toggle on the Require Single Sign-On checkbox to require users to sign in with the SSO integration
  8. Select Save Changes

Pages can also be hidden from the application portal, this means that the exhibitor will not have to fill out the page and the page will not appear.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Exhibitors > Application Portal
  2. Scroll down to Contract Settings
  3. Toggling on the Contract Application Product Skip checkbox will remove the Purchases page from the Application Portal
  4. Toggling on the Contract Application Payment Skip checkbox will remove all payment options and replace them with a Pay Later option at checkout
  5. Toggling on the Contract Application Booth Skip checkbox will remove the Booths page from the Application Portal
  6. Toggling on the Contract Details Skip checkbox will remove the Details page from the Application Portal
  7. Select Save Changes

There are also two additional settings that can be utilized if required.

  1. Toggling off Contract Promotion Enable will disable promotion codes in Checkout, this will remove the ability to apply promotions
  2. Toggling off Contract Confirmation Send will disable the confirmation email that is sent to the primary contact
    1. This email template can be found in Communications > Email Templates > Exhibitor Contract Confirmation.
  3. Select Save Changes

Adding Additional Instructions for the Application Portal

Personalized instructions can be shared for each step of the Exhibitor Application.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Exhibitors > Application Portal
  2. Scroll down to Additional Instructions
  3. Under the Details Instructions field, enter instructions for the Details step of the application 
  4. Under the Form Instructions field, enter instructions for the Formstep of the application
    1. This step will only appear if a form has been assigned to the application
  5. Under the Booth Instructions field, enter instructions for the Boothstep of the application
  6. Under the Product Instructions field, enter instructions for the Product step of the application
  7. Under the Success Message field, enter a message that will appear in the Success step of the application
  8. Select Save Changes

Creating an Exhibitor Application Form

A customizable form can be created to gather more information. Forms are ideal for getting customized information from applicants. This will be shown in the Forms page of the Exhibitor Application Portal.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Advanced > Custom Forms
  2. Select Exhibitor Application
  3. Under Category, ensure Exhibitor Application is selected
  4. Add your questions as needed
  5. Select Save Changes

Applicants will now need to complete the Exhibitor Application form when applying. The form can be made optional if each question’s Required checkbox is toggled off. Any question with the Required checkbox toggled on will require the user to answer before they can proceed with the Exhibitor Application.

Customizing Contract Settings

The Contract Settings present in the Event Dashboard mainly focus on payments as well as any custom text or media that can be viewable by the applicant.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Exhibitors > Application Portal
  2. Scroll down to Contract Settings and configure the following fields if necessary
    1. Contract Deposit Amount - The minimum dollar amount an applicant can opt to pay before checkout. The remaining amount can be paid at a later date, this is normally set by Contract Payment Due Date but a due date is not mandatory.
    2. Contract Deposit Percent - The minimum percentage an applicant can opt to pay before checkout. Please note, this setting will be overridden by Contract Deposit Amount if configured. Set Contract Deposit Amount to 0 if you would like Contract Deposit Percent to be present.
    3. Application Fee Percent - An additional percentage that can be charged on top of the purchase.
    4. Contract Payment Due Date - The deadline an applicant has to pay the full amount of their receipt.
  3. Select Save Changes

For more information on Deposit Programs, please review our Setting up Deposit Programs for Exhibitor and Sponsor Applications article.

Another setting is Contract Summary Content. Editing this section is useful for any information you wish to share with exhibitors as they pull up their receipts.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Exhibitors > Application Portal
  2. Scroll down to Contract Settings
  3. Under Contract Summary Content, enter the information
  4. Select Save Changes

Whatever content is written here will appear at the bottom of the Contract Summary Content PDF file in the Exhibitor Portal.

If you would like to include terms and conditions, that is available as well.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Exhibitors > Application Portal
  2. Scroll down to Contract Settings
  3. Under Contract Terms and Conditions, enter the information
  4. Select Save Changes

Terms and conditions are viewable at checkout above the Checkout button. A new pop-up will appear when applicants select the Terms and Conditions button, detailing the terms set by the event administrators.

Customizing Payment Settings

Different payment options can be enabled or disabled from the Event Dashboard. This means an applicant won’t be able to use a payment method like a credit card to pay if it’s toggled off.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Exhibitors > Application Portal
  2. Scroll down to Payment Settings
    1. Payment Card Enabled - Toggling this option off will remove the option to pay by credit card.
    2. Payment Check Enabled - Toggling this option off will remove the option to pay by check.
    3. Payment Wire Enabled - Toggling this option off will remove the option to pay by wire transfer.
    4. Payment Other Enabled - Toggling this option off will remove the option to pay by other methods not listed above.
  3. Select Save Changes

Step 2 - Create Products

Products serve the same function as tickets do for attendees, they often offer some sort of redeemable function such as purchasing area credits to select a booth.

Setting up Products can be done through the Event Dashboard.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Exhibitors > Products
  2. Above the Products table, select Create

A new pop-up will appear allowing you to configure the product as necessary. While there are many options available, only the Name and Price fields are necessary to fill to create the product. We will go over the headings below.

Basic Details

  1. Under the Name field, enter the name of the product.
  2. Under the Tagline field, enter a short text related to the product.
  3. Under the Description field, enter your summary of the product, this will appear below the price of the ticket.
  4. Select the Hidden checkbox to hide the product. This will prevent the product from appearing at checkout.
  5. Select the Add-On Item checkbox to make the product an Add-On.
  6. Select the Promotion Exempt checkbox to disallow promotion codes from being applied to purchases of this product.

Quantity and Price Details

  1. Under the Price field, enter the cost of the product.
  2. Under the Tax Percent field, enter the tax percentage as a decimal.
  3. Under the Points field, enter the number of points that can be assigned with this product for Gamification on the PheedLoop Go! App.
  4. Under the Quantity Available field, enter the number of times this product can be purchased. Applicants will not be able to purchase this product once this quantity is met. You may still manually add this product to exhibitors even when it's sold out via your dashboard.
  5. Under the Booth Area field, enter the number of area credits that can be assigned with this product. Area credits can be used in the Booths page of the application portal to reserve booths.
    1. For more information on booths, please review our Enabling Booth Selection for Exhibitors article.
  6. Under the Purchase Limit field, enter the maximum number of products that can be purchased at once by an individual or organization.
  7. Under the Custom Purchase Limit field, enter a predefined number of products that the applicant can pick from. This means the applicant can only purchase a set number of products that are defined. For example, if the numbers 3 and 6 are entered in this field then the applicant can only purchase 3 or 6 instances of the product.

Task Settings

  1. Under the Tasks field, select any tasks that should be automatically assigned to the purchaser upon successful purchase of this product
    1. These tasks will also be assigned if the purchase is assigned via the admin dashboard.

Once all your settings are configured, select Save Changes to create your product.

Promotions can also be created for use during the application process. For more information, please review our How to Create Promotion Codes for Sponsor and Exhibitor Applications article.

Connected Tickets

Once the product is created, a new page called Connected Tickets will be visible when selecting the Product. Connecting tickets to the product will automatically assign the specific number of tickets to the owner of this product. All tickets will be flagged as complimentary tickets, and will not affect the total amount owing.

For instructions on how to add Connected Tickets, please review our Using Connected Tickets with Exhibitor and Sponsors article.

Step 3 - Booths

As mentioned in this article, booths can be reserved by exhibitors with the relevant number of area credits. Instructions on how to create booths can be found in our Enabling Booth Selection for Exhibitors and Importing Exhibitor Booths for the Interactive Maps articles.

By default, booth selection is shown after checkout due to the ability to assign Area with the purchase of tickets should this be enabled. That being said, we offer the option to show Booth Selection before any product purchases. 

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Exhibitors > Application Portal
  2. Scroll down to Booth Selection Settings
  3. Toggle on the Show Booth Selection Before Product Purchase checkbox
  4. Select Save Changes

Additionally, event organizers can choose to disclose the names of exhibitors occupying booths if necessary. This will only disclose the name of the exhibitor and no other information is shared.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Exhibitors > Application Portal
  2. Scroll down to Booth Selection Settings
  3. Toggle on the Show Booth Occupant Details checkbox
  4. Select Save Changes

Step 4 - Testing your Exhibitor Application

Quick Tip - For convenience, consider linking the Exhibitor Application as an external link to your event website if you have Registration & Ticketing + Event Website module.

Once you are done setting up your booth and products, we recommend doing a test application to make sure everything is working properly.

To access your Exhibitor Application

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Event Portals > Application Portals
  2. Select Exhibitor Application
  3. Proceed with the application and check if everything is functioning correctly

Step 5 - Download Results with the Exhibitor Data Report

Following your event you may be interested in collecting data regarding your exhibitors. This is possible with Custom Reports.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Data & Reports > Custom Reports
  2. Select the checkbox of the Exhibitor Report
    1. The Exhibitor Report is one of the default reports available upon creating an event. You can always create a new exhibitor report by select Create and selecting Exhibitors under Report Type.
  3. Above the Custom Reports table, select Actions > Generate Report
  4. Select Download Previous Report

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