Accepting, Denying, and Updating Proposals

Once proposals have been submitted and reviewed, they can be accepted or denied from the event dashboard. While event administrators can accept proposals at any time, we recommend waiting until they are fully assessed by a reviewer before making a decision.

Accepting Proposals

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Proposals > Submissions
  2. Select the checkbox of the submission
  3. Above the Submissions table, select Actions > Mark Accepted
    1. Under the Title field, edit the title or use the prefilled title from the submission.
    2. Under the Description field, edit the description or use the prefilled description from the submission.
    3. Under the Date field, enter the date of this proposal to begin. The date entered here will be reflected in the Sessions page of the Event Dashboard.
    4. Under the Start Time field, enter the time for this proposal to begin. The time entered here will be reflected in the Sessions page of the Event Dashboard.
    5. Under the End Time field, enter the time for this proposal to conclude. The time entered here will be reflected in the Sessions page of the Event Dashboard.
    6. Under the Location field, enter the location where this proposal will take place.
    7. Under the Formats field, enter the formats for this proposal.
    8. Under the Target Audiences enter, the Target Audiences for this proposal. To learn more about Tracks, Formats, and Target Audiences, please review our Personalizing Sessions using Tracks Formats Audiences article.
    9. Under the Tracks field, enter the tracks for this proposal.
    10. Toggle on the Send Update Alert Email checkbox to send an email informing the applicant of the status of the application. 
      1. Please note, the secondary contact, if included in the application, will be CC'd in the email alert.
  4. Select Approve Proposal

Bulk Approving Proposals

Multiple proposals can be approved simultaneously by an Event Administrator. Bulk approving proposals can result in one of two outcomes, creating each proposal as a separate session, marked as Approve Individually. The other feature is the option to group all proposals into multiple sub-sessions under a parent session, marked as Approve as Group

Using Approve as Group

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Proposals > Submissions
  2. Select the checkboxes of the submissions you wish to approve
  3. Above the Submissions table, select Actions > Bulk Approve > Approve as Group 

A new editor form will now appear, fill this form out to create the corresponding session in the Session page of the Event Dashboard.

Basic Details

  1. Title - Enter the title of your session under this field.
  2. Description - Enter the description of your session under this field.
  3. Date - Enter the date of your session under this field.
  4. Start Time - Enter the time to start your session under this field.
  5. End Time - Enter the time to conclude your session under this field.
  6. Location - Enter the location where this session will take place under this field.
  7. Formats - Enter the Formats for this session under this field
  8. Target Audiences  - Enter the Target Audiences for this session under this field
  9. Tracks - Enter the Tracks for this session under this field
    1. For more information on Tracks, Formats, and Target Audiences, please review our Personalizing Sessions using Tracks Formats Audiences article.


This section will list all the proposals to be created as sub-sessions. There are no settings under this section but it is recommended to review the proposals listed here to ensure all the desired proposals are listed.

Lastly, toggle on the Send Update Alert Email checkbox to send an email notification to the submitter.

Once all options have been configured, select Approve Proposal to create the session in the sessions page of the Event Dashboard.

Using Approve Individually

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Proposals > Submissions
  2. Select the checkboxes of the submissions you wish to approve
  3. Above the Submissions table, select Actions > Bulk Approve > Approve Individually
  4. Toggle on the Send Update Alert Email checkbox to send an email notification to the submitter.
  5. Select Save Changes

Denying Proposals

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Proposals > Submissions
  2. Select the checkbox of the submission
  3. Above the Submissions table, select Actions > Mark Denied
    1. Optionally, toggle on the Send Update Alert Email checkbox to send an email informing the applicant of the status of the application. 
  4. Select Save Changes

Sending Update Alerts

An optional step to accepting or denying proposals is the option to send an update towards the email that made the proposal regarding the status of their application.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Proposals > Submissions
  2. Select the checkbox of the submission
  3. Above the Submissions table, select Actions > Mark Accepted or Mark Denied
  4. Toggle on the Send Update Alert Email checkbox
  5. Select Save Changes

Alternatively, update alerts can be sent manually without needing to change the status of a submission. This is useful if the applicant cannot find their status email and requires a second one to be sent.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Proposals > Submissions
  2. Select the checkbox of the submission
  3. Above the Submissions table, select Actions > Send Update Alert
  4. Select Confirm

Editing the Proposal Accept and Proposal Deny Email Template

Both email templates are customizable if necessary for your event.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Communications > Email Templates
  2. Select Proposal Accept and/or Proposal Deny from the list
  3. Edit the Subject field to change the email title
  4. Edit the Body Text field to change the content of the email
  5. Toggle on the Enable Call-To-Action Button checkbox, allowing the recipient to enter the proposal or submission portal via a button at the bottom of the email
  6. Edit the Call-To-Action Button field to edit the text that will be displayed on the button
  7. Select Save Changes

Updating Submissions

Team Members with access to the Event Dashboard will be able to edit proposal submissions at any time. This is especially useful for fixing any minor spelling or grammatical errors without needing to rely on the submitter to do so.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Proposals > Submissions
  2. Above the Submissions table, select Actions > Update Submission
  3. The following fields of the submission can be edited:
    1. Title - The Session title of the submission under Session Details
    2. Description - The Session description chosen in the submission under Session Details
    3. Formats - The Format chosen in the submission under Session Details
    4. Target Audiences - The Target audience chosen in the submission under Session Details
    5. Tracks - The Track chosen in the submission under Session Details
  4. Under Notes, the following can be added:
    1. Public Notes - These are notes that will be visible to both you and the applicant. Public notes are ideal for sending feedback to applicants or any next steps.
    2. Private Notes - These are notes that will be visible to your team members only and not viewable by the applicant.

Accessing the Proposal Portal

The Proposal Portal can be accessed as long as the submission is completed but it has not been accepted yet by the Event Organizers. Applicants can access the proposal portal by selecting the Edit Application Here button from the Success page or from the confirmation email that is sent.

Accessing the Proposal Portal from the Event Dashboard

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Proposal > Submissions
  2. Select the checkbox of the submission you wish to examine
  3. Above the Submissions table, select Actions > View Submission Portal

Sending Access to the Proposal Portal from the Event Dashboard

Event organizers can also send a link to the applicant’s Proposal Portal from the Event Dashboard. Once sent, the applicant will receive an email leading them to the Proposal Portal.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Proposal > Submissions
  2. Select the checkbox of the submission you wish to examine
  3. Above the Submissions table, select Actions > Send Update Alert

Please note that the Call-To-Action Button will change depending on the status of the submission. If the submission is accepted, the Call-To-Action Button will lead to the Speaker Portal. If the submission is marked pending review or denied then the Call-To-Action Button will lead to the Proposal Portal.

Editing the Proposal Update Email Template

Both email templates are customizable if necessary for your event.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Communications > Email Templates
  2. Select Proposal Update from the list
  3. Edit the Subject field to change the email title
  4. Edit the Body Text field to change the content of the email
  5. Toggle on the Enable Call-To-Action Button checkbox, allowing the recipient to enter the proposal or submission portal via a button at the bottom of the email
  6. Edit the Call-To-Action Button field to edit the text that will be displayed on the button
  7. Select Save Changes

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