Using Data Visualization

Please note, some of the features covered in this article require ownership of the Advanced SmartSight Power-Up to use.

Data visualization works similarly to SmartSight but in a much easier to read format. In addition to hard data presented in both SmartSight and Custom Reports, Data Visualization presents the data in charts, graphs, lines, and bars.

We recommend reviewing our How to Use SmartSight Analytics article as well for additional insight into our SmartSight system.

Adding a Chart to the Data Visualization page

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Data & Reports > Data Visualization
  2. Above the Charts table, select Add Chart
  3. Under the Data Source field, select the category you wish to draw data from
  4. Under the Data Series field, select the behaviour to account for in the Chart
  5. Under the Name field, enter a name for the chart
  6. Under the Chart Type field, select a format for the chart to appear as
    1. Choices range from Line, Bar, and Pie charts. Please note that not all Data Series will have all three available.
  7. Under the Start Date field, enter a date to for the Chart to start collecting from
    1. Data before this date will not be accounted for.
  8. Under the End Date field, enter a date for the Chart to stop collecting from
    1. Data after this data will not be accounted for.
  9. Select Save Changes

Editing Existing Charts

Once created, charts can be edited from the Event Dashboard in real time.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Data & Reports > Data Visualization
  2. On an existing chart, select one of the icons

Rearranging Charts

Charts can be rearranged at any time by selecting and holding the six squared tile icon and dragging them to your desired spot. This works much in the same way as an app library on a smart device.

Refresh Charts

Select the Refresh icon to reload the chart. The data will be refreshed and show updated responses.

Save Charts

Select the image icon to download the chart visual as a PNG file.

Download Chart Data

Select the Cloud icon to download all chart data as a CSV file.

Edit Chart

Select the Pencil Icon to edit the chart. The same settings as when you create the chart will be available to edit.

Deleting Charts

Select the X icon to delete the chart. Delete charts cannot be recovered, they will need to be manually recreated.

Adding Chart Groups to the Data Visualization page

Different chart groups can be added for easier data management. Multiple chart groups can be used within the dashboard to sort different categories of information.

By using different chart groups, you remove the need to scroll extensively and comb through dozens of charts to find what you are looking for.

Adding Chart Groups

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Data & Reports > Data Visualization
  2. Above the Charts table, select Actions > Add Chart Group
  3. Under the Name field, enter a name for the Chart Group
  4. Select Save Changes

Deleting Chart Groups

If a Chart Group was created in error or is otherwise no longer needed, it can be removed with the same Actions button used to add Chart Groups.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Data & Reports > Data Visualization
  2. Above the Charts table, select Actions > Delete Chart Group
  3. Select Delete

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