How to Customize the Registration Flow for your Event

When registering for an event, attendees will be required to fill out their personal information before purchasing tickets for their event. This is the first step in the registration flow and can be customized to include or exclude select fields as necessary for your event.

If you would like to learn about other steps in the registration flow, please review our Adding and Using Category Forms in Registration article.

Customizing what Details are filled out by Attendees

All details that are required to be submitted can be configured in the Details section of the Registration Category.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Registration > Categories
  2. Select the category you wish to edit from the list
  3. Scroll down to Details

Here, you will see all the fields that can be included in the registration process. This list excludes Email, First Name, and Last Name fields as those are default fields.

Collect Organization

Toggling this checkbox on will make the Organization field available to fill out in the registration flow. Attendees can use this field to enter the name of their organization.

Require Organization

Toggling this checkbox on will require the Organization field to be filled out in the registration flow. The Collect Organization checkbox must be toggled on before this setting can be used.

Collect Title

Toggling this checkbox on will make the Title field available to fill out in the registration flow. Attendees can use this field to enter their title such as Doctor or Professor.

Require Title

Toggling this checkbox on will require the Title field to be filled out in the registration flow. The Collect Title checkbox must be toggled on before this setting can be used.

Collect Address

Toggling this checkbox on will make the Street Address field, Country field, State/Province field, City field, Zip/Postal Code field, and Phone Number field, available to fill out in the registration flow.

Require Address

Toggling this checkbox on will require the Street Address field, Country field, State/Province field, City field, Zip/Postal Code field, and Phone Number field to be filled out in the registration flow. The Collect Address checkbox must be toggled on before this setting can be used.

Collect Address Fields Override

This field can be used to hide any of the address fields mentioned above. Selecting one field such as Country will make the field appear during the registration flow. Any fields not selected will be excluded from the registration flow.

Required Address Fields Override

This field will make any of the selected fields under Collect Address Fields Override to be required before attendees can proceed with registration.

Require Valid Mailing Address

This field will alter the functionality of the address fields so that only valid addresses can be entered.

This setting requires the Collect Address checkbox to be toggled on to use.

Collect Designations

Toggling this checkbox on will make the Designation field available to fill out in the registration flow. Useful for attendees to list any special qualifications they may have like licenses or certifications.

Collect Dietary Restrictions

Toggling this checkbox on will make the Dietary Restrictions field available to fill out in the registration flow. Useful for attendees to list any allergies or other dietary restrictions they may have.

Collect Accessibility Requirements

Toggling this checkbox on will make the Accessibility Requirements field available to fill out in the registration flow. Useful for attendees to list any accommodations they may need to attend the event.

Use Pre-Filled Organization List

Please note, this feature requires the Membership Management module to use.

Toggling this checkbox on will set a pre-approved list of organizations Attendees can choose from. This option will remove the Attendee’s ability to fill in their own organization. The list for organizations can be created from the Membership Dashboard under Organizations > Organizations. Organizations created in this page will automatically appear as a selectable option in the registration flow.

Member Only [API based]

Please note, use of this feature requires SSO Configuration for Wicket, Netforum, or Microsoft Azure to be included in your account. SSO Configuration is an additional charge.

Toggling this checkbox on will require Attendees to login through a third party membership management platform when registering under the specified category.

This setting should only be used if an API based connection is made between PheedLoop and a membership management platform which specifies membership status. If this option is selected, this category will only be accessible to registrants who are members.

Saving your progress

Once your organization is satisfied with the configuration, select Save Changes to save your progress. You will see a success message confirming your settings have been saved.

You can also test your settings by navigating to your event website and selecting the register button before confirming your settings are appearing as intended. If you do not see any changes, please conduct a hard refresh by selecting Control + Shift + R on your keyboard. Your changes should now appear on your screen.

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