How to Connect to PayPal for Payment Processing

Please note, integration with PayPal will take a minimum of two weeks. This is due to PayPal’s onboarding process. Use of this integration requires a payment of $950 per year. Please contact our sales team at for more information.

PayPal is one of the many payment processors we support here at PheedLoop. Simply connect your PayPal account with PheedLoop and any payments made will be processed through PayPal. PheedLoop uses PayPal’s Integration API, the latest integration supported by PayPal.

Even though you may have an existing PayPal account, you will be required to follow an onboarding process to integrate with PheedLoop’s integration with PayPal. The onboarding process will take a minimum of two weeks to complete.

If you would like to connect to Stripe instead, please review our How to Connect your Account to Stripe for Payment Processing article.

What you’ll need before connecting

A PayPal account is all you need to connect to PheedLoop. Once your account is created, you can simply connect PayPal into the Event Dashboard like you would any other integration.

Step 1 - Contact PheedLoop Support

Currently, connecting to PayPal requires some input from our development team. If you would like to use PayPal, please contact PheedLoop Support at to ensure your request is being handled.

Please note, use of this integration requires a payment of $950 per year. Please contact our sales team at for more information.

PheedLoop will contact you directly once integration has been added to your Event Dashboard.

Step 2 - Connecting PayPal

Once you have received notification that your PayPal account is ready, you may now proceed with connecting PayPal with PheedLoop as your payment processor.

  1. From the drop-down menu at the top right corner of your Dashboard, navigate to Settings > Integrations
  2. Scroll down to Financial Integrations
  3. Under PayPal, select Not Connected
  4. Select Connect To PayPal
  5. In the new PayPal window, login to your PayPal account

Once you finish logging into your PayPal account, PayPal will be automatically integrated into your PheedLoop account.

Step 3 - Making a Payment Test

Once PayPal becomes your financial integration, we recommend conducting a test purchase for a $1 ticket to ensure PayPal is acting properly. Once the payment is successfully processed, you can refund the order.

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