Understanding Event App Settings in the Dashboard

PheedLoop Go! has many settings that can be configured in the Event Dashboard. The settings can be accessed by navigating to Experiences > Mobile App > Settings from the Event Dashboard.

Design & Sponsorship

Theme - This is the theme for the Event App. Select Solid to turn on Light mode and Dark to turn on Dark mode. Selecting Default will lead to the app’s default settings, which is Light mode.

Font The Event App supports different font selections. Use this field to select a font to be displayed for your event. Please note, changing the font will change all text in the Event App. For more information, please review our Customizing the Font in your Event App article.
Custom Font The Custom Font setting will allow you to upload your own custom font in the Event App. Please note, only .ttf files are supported and need to be named in a 'FontFamilyName-FontWeightOrStyle.ttf' format. For example, OpenSans-Bold.ttf, or BungeeSpice-Regular.ttf. For more information, please review our Customizing the Font in your Event App article.
Home Banner Image The wide banner image is shown in the event application. Recommended size: 750 x 350 JPEG.
Menu Banner Image Shown above items of pull out menu in event app, often used to advertise a sponsor. If this image is not set, the event's logo is used. Recommended size: 350 x 200 JPEG.
App Splash Screen Sponsor Image Shown directly before your event loads in the event app. Use this to emphasize on any one of your sponsors. Recommended size: 1080 x 1920.
Sponsor Splash Screen Image Duration Number of seconds the above splash screen will show for.
Enable App Sponsor Splash Screen Check this option if you would like to be able to add a custom splash screen to your event app. Note this splash screen will be viewed after the app's default splash screen.
Hide Business Card Capture Check this option if you would like to hide the business card capture page from the event app. Please note, Lead Retrieval is required for this setting to take effect.
App Banner Sponsor This sponsor's logo image will be shown at the bottom of the drawer menu. Please note, Enable App Sponsored Banner must also be enabled.
Enable App Sponsored Banner Check this option if you would like attendees to be able to view your sponsored banner.


Message Enabled Check this option to allow attendees to send messages to each other from the app.
Send Push Notifications for Attendee Messages Check this option to allow push notifications to be sent to attendees when someone sends them a message.
Send Email Notifications for Attendee Messages Check this option to allow email notifications to be sent to attendees when someone sends them a message.
Enable App E-Badge Check this option if you would like your event app's e-badge feature to be enabled. Please note, it is recommended to enable this setting if your event will be using session check-in or lead retrieval.
Enable Session Self Check-In Disabled by default for new sessions. Enable this if you would like to enable self check-in for all sessions.
Enable App Event Feed Moderation Check this option if you would like to be able to manually approve event feed posts.
Disable Web Access Link Check this option if you would like to hide the web access link from your event app's landing page.
Disable Profile Editing Check this option if you would like to restrict the ability to edit the profile from the attendee profile page in your event app.
Enable App Session Streaming Check this option if you would like to allow attendees to view session streaming in your event app.
Disable Universal Scanner Check this option if you would like to disable the universal scanner in the event app. Universal Scanner can be found at the top right of the main page.
Custom Apple Store Link This field is only relevant if you are using a PheedLoop powered white-labeled event application, or you have a custom event application. If your team is using PheedLoop Go!, please leave this field blank or attendees may be redirected to another page.
Custom Google Store Link This field is only relevant if you are using a PheedLoop powered white-labeled event application, or you have a custom event application. If your team is using PheedLoop Go!, please leave this field blank or attendees may be redirected to another page.
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