Setting up Membership Promotions

The Membership Dashboard can accommodate different promotions similar to the Event Dashboard. These promotions can provide discounts for purchases in both a flat amount or based on a percentage

Creating a Promotion

  1. From the Membership Dashboard, navigate to Membership > Promotions
  2. Above the Promotions table, select Create

A new pop-up will appear allowing you to create a new promotion.

Promotion Details

Active - Toggle this setting on to allow attendees to use this promotion. If toggled off, the promotion will not work.

Name - Enter your name for the promotion in this field.

Promotion Code -  This field is the code attendees must enter to use the promotion. A randomized code is generated by default but a custom code can be entered in this field if necessary.

Discount Amount - Enter a dollar amount to be discounted for the promotion in this field.

Discount Percent - Enter a percentage amount to be discounted for the promotion in this field.

Uses - Enter the applicable number of uses this promotion is valid for.

Start Date - Enter the date for the promotion to begin working on. Attempts to enter this promotion prior to the start date will not be successful.

Expiry Date - Enter the date for the promotion to stop working on. Attempts to enter this promotion after the end date will not be successful.

Connected Membership Types - Enter any Membership Types to restrict this promotion to. If a Membership Type is selected, users will not be able to use this promotion code for non selected Membership Types. If left blank, the promotion will be applicable to all Membership Types. For more information on Membership Types, please review our How to Set Up Membership Types article.

Advanced Settings

Single Application Only -  This checkbox is related to the Connected Membership Types field. Selecting this option will make the promotion only apply to one instance of Membership Type. If toggled off, the promotion will apply to each Membership Type including copies.

Purchase Minimum - Enter a dollar amount that the user would need to have in their cart before the promotion can be used. An error message will be displayed if the total cost is below the dollar amount at checkout.

Deleting Promotions

  1. From the Membership Dashboard, navigate to Membership > Promotions
  2. Above the Promotions table, select Actions > Delete
  3. Select Confirm
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