Signing into PheedLoop with a One Time Passcode (OTP)

Please note, OTP is not available for the Virtual Portal, Member Portal, Speaker Portal, Exhibitor Portal, Sponsor Portal, Proposal Portal, and the Event Dashboard.

PheedLoop supports one time password logins through email for the Event Website and PheedLoop Go!. With this option, attendees can simply send a code to their email and enter the corresponding code to login. Verification codes last for 10 minutes and a new code can be sent after a minute.

Please note, this feature is only available to users who have created a PheedLoop account. Emails not associated with a PheedLoop account will be able to skip this process.

Event Website

If an attendee has a preexisting PheedLoop account, they will need to login to the Event Website via a One Time Password. New accounts will be able to proceed with registration as normal.

  1. From the Event Website, select the Register Now button at the top right corner of the screen
  2. Select the category you wish to register for
  3. Under the Email field, enter the email address you wish to use
    1. A confirmation email containing the code will now be sent to your email. Verification codes last for 1 hour before expiring. A new code can be sent after 60 seconds.
  4. Open your email and copy the code sent to your email address
  5. Paste the code in the registration page
  6. Select Verify
  7. Proceed with your registration

You will now be logged into the Event Website where you can proceed with your registration. If you would like to learn more about the Event Website as a whole, please review our Getting started with the Event Website article.

PheedLoop Go!

One Time Passcodes can also be used to login to PheedLoop Go!. For more information on this feature please review the “Step 2 - Logging into PheedLoop Go!” section our How to use the PheedLoop Go! as an Attendee article.

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