How can I apply price breaks for registrations?

Event organizers oftentimes want to offer discounts to registrants that are purchasing multiple of the same ticket type at once. PheedLoop’s price break functionality allows you to change ticket prices when a certain quantity of tickets are added at checkout. This feature is useful when offering discounts for purchases in bulk. This also allows for the regular price of the ticket to be displayed until the customer passes the approved quantity. 


How Price Breaks Work

Up to three different breaks can be set up for a single ticket. The price of the ticket will change as the quantities of tickets are added to the cart. 

For example, if the first break quantity of 10 tickets is met and the charge for the break price is $15, then each ticket will now cost $15 instead of the original price. 

This behavior is the same for both second and third price breaks. If the second break quantity of 15 tickets is met and the charge for the break price is $10, then each ticket will not cost $10. 

If a registrant attempts to checkout with a quantity of tickets that falls between price breaks, the lower break price will be applied. From our example, if someone purchases 13 tickets, each ticket would be $15 dollars according to the first break quantity. 

Adding Price Breaks

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Registration > Tickets and select the ticket you would like to adjust from the list
    1. Or create a new one by selecting Create

  1. Scroll down to Breaks
  2. Enter the Quantity of tickets to be purchased under First Break Quantity
    1. Enter the new price to be charged under First Break Price.
  3. Enter another quantity under Second Break Quantity if necessary
    1. Enter the price under Second Break Price.
  4. Enter another quantity under Third Break Quantity if necessary
    1. Enter the price under Third Break Price.
  5. Select Save Changes

Counting Other Tickets Towards Price Breaks

By default, price breaks only apply to the configured ticket. Other tickets included in the cart will not count towards the price break. However, it is possible to configure the registration category so that other tickets will count towards price break quantities.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Registration > Categories and select the category from the list

  1. Scroll down to Others
  2. Toggle on the Use Ticket Total for Breaks checkbox
  3. Select Save Changes

Selecting other tickets in the Tickets step of the Event Website will now count towards the price break. 

Note: If this setting is applied, only the ticket with the price break will have a reduced price applied. For example, if Ticket A has a price break, I can add Ticket B to my cart and its quantity will count towards achieving the break, however, the price of Ticket B will not be affected if the price break is reached. Only the price of Ticket A will be affected. 

Using Custom Reports for Ticket Breaks

Custom Reports can be used to gather information on Ticket Breaks.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Data & Reports > Custom Reports and above the Custom Reports table, select Create

  1. Under the Report Type field, select Ticket Purchases
  2. Under the Name field, enter a name for your report
  3. Under the Description field, enter any information if necessary
  4. Under the Fields field, include Break Price along with any other fields you wish to include for the report
    1. The Break Price field will display the current price, each ticket is being charged with. For example, if a ticket costs $500, and will cost $250 if two or more are added in the cart, then each ticket will appear as $250 under the Break Price Column. If you would like to include the original price of the ticket, please use the Ticket Price field.
  5. Under the Tickets field, select any tickets to restrict the report to or leave blank to not filter any results
  6. Under the Start Time field, select the time you wish to include information from
    1. Data generated before this time will not be included in the report.
  7. Under the End Time field, select the time you wish to stop including information from
    1. Data generated after this time will not be included in the report.
  8. Select Save Changes

Now that your report is created, you will want to generate the report in order to download it.

  1. Select the checkbox of your newly created report
  2. Above the Custom Reports table, select Actions > Generate Report
  3. Select Download Previous Report

A CSV file of the report will now be downloaded on your device. Alternatively you can use PheedLoop’s native Report Builder to view and edit the report in real time.

  1. Select the checkbox of your newly created report
  2. Above the Custom Reports table, select Actions > Open Report Builder

Testing Price Breaks at Checkout

We always recommend testing price breaks to ensure everything is functioning properly. During checkout, any tickets with price breaks will be listed below the ticket name. Add the quantity of tickets to the cart and the price displayed in the cart should change once the specified quantity is reached.


PheedLoop’s price break functionality allows regular ticket prices to dynamically adjust based on quantity thresholds, enabling transparent and customer-friendly pricing strategies. With options to configure up to three price breaks, count other tickets toward the break thresholds, and generate detailed custom reports, organizers can seamlessly manage and monitor ticket sales. 

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