How can I be notified of new Registration Orders?
One of the optional features in PheedLoop's registration system is the option to receive emails for each registration. This can be applied on a per category basis.
Setting up Registration Category Notifications
An additional notification can be established based on who registers for an event in any given category. Unlike the other notifications, this option is not located in General page.
- From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Registration > Categories and select the Category you wish to edit from the list
- Scroll down to Other and under Notification Emails, enter the email(s) you wish to notify
- Select Save Changes
The emails in the Notification Emails field will now be alerted every time a registration is made in the specified category. To receive notifications for multiple categories, you will need to add your email to each respective category.
Custom notifications can be sent to more scenarios beyond just registrations. This is good to use if you want to add colleagues on a notification list when people meet certain conditions. For more information, please review our Adding Additional Email Addresses for Event Notifications article.