Getting Started with Registration

PheedLoop's registration module is feature-packed with all sorts of ways to customize every step of your event's registration process, from the logic and design, to finance and integrations.  We have a series of videos for you to review to ensure you know everything there is to getting your registration started. What we would recommend doing if you haven't already done so, is to review our Event Website Getting Started Guide. The Event Website is a pre-requisite when using PheedLoop's Registration system.

Getting Started with Event Registration

The Getting Started with Event Registration Video will go through the initial steps required for you to setup your registration! Review the topics and written instructions covered below. 

  1. Access your Event Website and Registration - Your Event Registration is live in the PheedLoop Event Website. To access this, navigate to Event Portals on the top of your Dashboard and click into Event Website. Your Registration Page will live under the Register Page.
  2. Connect to Stripe - To ensure you are able to collect payment for tickets, you will need to connect to your payment processor, Stripe. To do this, click on the top right corner of your dashboard and navigate to Settings > Integrations. This is where you can connect to Stripe. For more information, please review our How to Connect your Account to Stripe for Payment Processing article.
  3. Sample Registration Flow (02:15 - 12:00) - Our Registration Flow consists of a few steps. To understand how this works, fast forward to this part of the video to learn how this works in PheedLoop.
    1. Category Selection Step - To customize this step, navigate to Registrations > Categories and create/delete or hide new categories.
    2. Default Registrant Information Step - To customize this step, navigate to Registrations > Categories > Click into a Category > Details. You will be able to make certain fields in this area hidden or required such as Organization and Title. 
    3. Custom Form Step - To customize this step, navigate to Advanced > Custom Forms. Create your Custom Form with your custom questions. Afterwards, navigate to Registration > Categories > Click into a Category > Associate the Connected Form.
    4. Ticket Selection Step - To customize this step, navigate to Registration > Tickets. Ensure your ticket is associated to the correct category. Any ticket that is available will be shown here. 
    5. Success Page - The one area that you can customize in this step is the Success Message. To do this, navigate to Registration > Categories > Click into a Category > Other > Success Message.
  4. Testing your Registration - In order to check if your registration is good to go, it's best for you to conduct a sample registration on your own website. Any changes that are made are real-time. You can simply 
  5. Creating Ticket Forms (13:15 - 15:45) - Ticket Forms is a feature that allows you to create questions that are answered on a per ticket basis. To use this feature, navigate to Registration > Tickets > Connections > Ticket Forms. 
  6. Set Payment Options - You can set payment methods on a per category basis. Payment methods are what attendees will select when they choose and checkout from the tickets page.
    1. Credit Card Payment
    2. Other Payment Method

Examples of Registration Flows:

The Registration Categories feature is one of our most exciting and powerful features in the registration system. There are a few ways to setup your registration categories. This video will cover the main benefits of having category specific registration flows and some examples of registration flows that we have seen with customers.

  • Display Relevant Tickets: One of the main benefits of having registration categories is to display a segmented list of tickets to an attendee based on what category they selected. This is particularly beneficial if you are an event that sells a lot of tickets. Instead of having all of your tickets display in one large list during the tickets page, only the tickets associated to the category you selected will be displayed.
  • Simple Registration: When this feature is toggled on, there is no ticket step required for the category. This is useful if you are looking to collect names, answers to questions but not necessarily have registrants pay for a ticket. This is commonly 
  • Examples of Registration Categories
    • Member and Non-Member
    • Attendee, Exhibitor, Board Member & Staff
    • Virtual and In-person

Setting up Registration using Subcategories:

Registration Related Email Communications:

To understand which emails are sent automatically during the Registration Process, please review the video above. There are five total emails to review. Each email template may have a Call to Action Button and an Attachment. These items can be toggled off by navigating to Communications > Email Templates > Select an Email Template > and toggling off the two respective toggles. 

Registration Reminder Email - This is an email that is sent periodically to remind registrants to complete their registration. The Call to Action Button for this email will contain a link back to the registration site. You may disable this via Registration > Settings > OptionsSend Automated Registration Reminders

Registration Confirmation Email - Email that is sent to all ticket holders upon a successful registration. The Call to Action Button will direct attendees to the Event App Landing Page or the Virtual Portal depending on the type of ticket. 

Registration Receipt Email - Email that is sent to the main registrant. This is triggered only if a payment is fully made. The attachment will be the receipt for the entire registration purchase. You may disable this via Registration > SettingsDisable Automatically Send Invoices

Registration Invoice Email - Email that is sent to the main registrant. This is triggered only if a payment is made by invoice. The attachment will be the receipt for the entire registration purchase. You may disable this via Registration > Settings > Options > Disable Automatically Send Invoices

Purchase Reminder Email - Email is sent to all attendees 24 hours before the event starts. You may disable this via Registration > SettingsEnable Purchase Reminder Emails

  • Registration Confirmation Email
    • Disable Confirmation Email
    • Call to Action Button
    • Registration Receipt Email
    • Disable PDF
  • Sending Emails Manually

Understanding Category Based Settings:

  • Category Name and Description
  • Category Thumbnail
  • Access Code
  • Category Specific Collection of Information (1st Step)
  • Payment
  • Domain Blacklist/White List
  • Ticketing Instructions
  • Welcome Text
  • Footer Text
  • Success Message

Understanding Ticket Based Settings:

  • General Settings (Name, Category, Price, Description, Quantity, Minimum, Limit, Start and End Date)
  • Privacy Settings
  • Break Quantity
  • Connections
  • Virtual Ticket
  • Add-on Ticket
  • Confirmation Message

Setting Up Registration Promotions:

  • Amount vs Percent
  • Connected Tickets
  • Single Application Only
  • Purchase Minimum

Downloading Registration Information and Data:

  • Registration Data Report
  • Ticket Purchase Report
  • Form Response Report
  • Custom Form Report

Managing Registrations:

  • Differences Between Attendees and Registrations
  • Complete and Incomplete Registrations
  • Completing an Incomplete Registration
  • Creating a Custom Registration
    • Tickets
    • Payments
    • Promotions
  • Creating a Refund
  • Changing a Other Payment Method
  • Generate an Invoice / Send an Invoice / Receipt
  • Resending a Confirmation Email
  • Viewing Attendee Tickets
  • Delete Registration
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