Maximizing Event Engagement with Gamification

The Gamification feature leaves a lot of room for creativity and endless possibilities to make the most out of attendee engagement as well as competitiveness at your event. Whether you are using gamification for virtual, in-person, or hybrid events, the strategies are endless. From informing your attendees about gamification, hiding codes, or creative solutions for promoting gamification, here are some good tips to explore!

Informing Attendees About Gamification

When attendees are in your event, they may not know about the Gamification possibilities which can lead to prizes and engagement! It’s important to inform your attendees about the opportunities they can find and activities they can participate in. Here are some tips!

Print Out a One-Page Document

If you want attendees to get hands-on instructions, a good and easy way to do so is to print out a document to hand out to attendees when they get to the registration/check-in desk. If you have volunteers helping out with your check-in process, once the attendee has gone through all the steps to acquire their badge or checked in, they can hand out instruction sheets.

Push Notifications

If you want to increase Mobile Event App engagement while informing your attendees about Gamification, look no further than push notifications. From the Event Dashboard you can pre-schedule announcements for your attendees to receive notifications for. In this case, you would be providing all the information about Gamification and showing off how useful the Mobile Event App is! Find out how to send announcements here.

Email Introduction

Similarly to push notifications, you can also create or edit emails which can contain all the information necessary to illustrate Gamification at your event. Whether you want to go above and beyond with a video or just written instructions, you can edit email templates or create new emails in the Event Dashboard with all of that included! Find out about how to edit and create emails here.

Hiding Gamification Codes

Gamification codes are one of the main ways attendees can claim points and then prizes in your event. This has been a highly-acclaimed feature which many event planners have used to their maximum potential in the past. Here are some tips on where to hide these codes whether you are running an virtual, in-person, or hybrid event!

Places to Hide Gamification Codes in Virtual Events

  • Exhibitor Profile - Hide them in the descriptions of the Exhibitor Profiles
  • Sessions Information: Hide them into the descriptions of the sessions
  • Session chats:  Post them in the public session chat
  • Within emails
  • Add an announcement in the Lobby
  • Send a private message to attendees

Places to Hide Gamification Codes in In-Person Events

  • Exhibitor Booths
  • Upload them within a session slide
  • At an information desk

Printing out QR Codes in bulk

For convenience, PheedLoop offers the option to compile all QR codes into a single PDF file for your organization to print out and place throughout the venue.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Advanced > Gamification > Codes
  2. Above the Codes table, select Actions > Download Scavenger Spots QR Codes
  3. Select Confirm

The PDF file containing your scannable QR codes will now be downloaded to your device.

Providing Gamification Codes to Stakeholders:

  • Exhibitors
    • Cool strategy of giving two types of codes to Exhibitors/Sponsors - one for a small amount of points and one for more if you wanted to add more points for a really productive conversation!
  • Speakers
    • A way to bring more attendees to speaking sessions, other than having an exciting speaker and title, is to inform attendees that the speaker will reveal a code during their presentation!
  • Sponsors
    • PheedLoop already has a ton of sponsorship opportunities, but having attendees directly interact with sponsors at their booths or different banners around the event could be a great way to provide more exposure to sponsors.
  • Members of your team
    • It’s always good to involve your internal teams. You can give them codes where they can then speak with attendees virtually or on-site and then provide codes to them.

Using Push Notifications to Deliver Codes

  • Method A: Have no prizes redeemable. Give instructions on how to not redeem prizes. This is a nice method if you would like to instruct attendees that prizes will be awarded to the top X people. For example:
  • Method B: Have “Raffle Entries for Prizes'' redeemable. Give instructions on downloading prizes via Product Purchase Report. You can then manually have individuals redeem prizes. You will need to fulfill prizes
  • Method C: Have many prizes available for redemption - almost like a store where people can redeem prizes and collect on site. This is great if you have the resources to facilitate prize redemption, especially if you are on-site.

Automatic Point Strategies:

  • Session Feedback Survey: Encourage attendees to provide feedback to sessions
  • Event Feed: Encourage attendees to post in the event feed.
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