How to Add, Import and Edit Sessions
Sessions can be bulk uploaded to the Event Dashboard without requiring event organizers to manually input all the information at once. PheedLoop supports session uploads from CSV files and it is possible to use this method to edit existing session information if necessary.
How to Download the Session Template
- From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Sessions > Sessions
- Select the upload button
- Select Download Template
How to Edit the Session Template
When editing the session template, only the Title, Credit Value, and Check In Points, are required to have a value entered in their respective columns. If you do not want to import other information, you can delete the columns or leave them blank.
You can also delete the Credit Value and Check In Points columns if they do not serve a purpose for your event. This method does not impact the ability to upload your sessions.
- Open the Session Template CSV file
- Add the relevant information to your CSV file
- Please see the "Headings in the Session Upload Template" section below for information on each column of the file.
- Please note, if you are not using Credit Value or Check-In Points for your event, you can set these values to zero or remove the columns entirely. One of these steps must be taken or there will be errors when trying to upload the file.
- Save the file
Headings in the Session Upload Template
code | The code for your session. This field should be left blank unless you intend to overwrite an existing session. Session codes can be found by downloading the sessions in the Sessions page. |
title | The title for your session. |
sub_title | The sub-title for your session. |
description | The description for your session. |
instructions | The sessions instructions entered in this column will be displayed in the speaker portal. |
session_date | The start date of your session. |
start_time | The start time of your session. |
end_time | The end time of your sessions |
sub_sessions | If the session is a parent session, enter any sub-sessions under this column. This field requires the code of the session to be pasted. Session codes can be found by downloading the sessions in the Sessions page. |
parent_session | The parent session for your session. This field requires the code of the session to be pasted. Session codes can be found by downloading the sessions in the Sessions page. |
formats | The formats for your session. Enter the title or code of your format under this column. For more information on formats, please review our Personalizing Sessions using Tracks Formats Audiences article. |
target_audiences | The target audiences for your session. Enter the title or code of your target audience under this column. For more information on target audiences, please review our Personalizing Sessions using Tracks Formats Audiences article. |
speakers | The speakers of your session, ensure each speaker is separated by a comma with no spaces. This field requires the code or email of the speaker to be pasted. Codes can be found by downloading speakers in the Speakers page. |
sponsors | Assign any sponsors for the session under this column. This field requires the code or name of the sponsor to be pasted. Codes can be found by downloading sponsors in the Sponsors page. |
tracks | Tracks connected to your session. This field requires the code or name of the track to be pasted. Codes can be found by downloading tracks in the Tracks page. For more information on tracks, please review our Personalizing Sessions using Tracks Formats Audiences article. |
location | The location of your session. Locations will need to be created in advance and match the exact spelling. Locations are case sensitive. |
authors | The authors for your session. Type the names and separate them with commas. For more information, please review our Using Authors for your Event article. |
capacity | The maximum number of attendees allowed to be in your session. Enter a number under this column or leave blank to allow unlimited capacity. |
credit_value | The credit attendees obtain once they complete the session. Set to zero or leave the column blank if credits are not being used for your event. For more information, please review our Configuring CE (Continuing Education) Credit Tracking article. |
checkin_points | The gamification points attendees obtain once they complete the session. This requires the Gamification power-up. |
enable_schedule_conflicts | Type TRUE to allow schedule conflicts and FALSE or leave blank to prevent attendees from registering to this session if they have a conflicting one. |
non_speaker_session | Type TRUE to toggle on the Simple Session checkbox for the session. Type FALSE or leave blank to leave the checkbox off. |
is_hidden | Type TRUE to toggle on the Hide Session in Event Application checkbox. Type FALSE or leave blank to leave the checkbox off. |
is_hidden_website | Type TRUE to toggle on the Hide Session in Website checkbox. Type FALSE or leave blank to leave the checkbox off. |
is_hidden_virtual | Type TRUE to toggle on the Hide Session in Virtual Event Portal checkbox. Type FALSE or leave blank to leave the checkbox off. |
is_pre_register_allowed | Type TRUE to toggle on the Enable Pre-Registration Checkbox. Type FALSE or leave blank to leave the checkbox off. |
is_app_polls_enabled | Type TRUE to toggle on the Enable Live Polls checkbox. Type FALSE or leave blank to leave the checkbox off. |
is_app_questions_enabled | Type TRUE to toggle on the Enable Live Polls checkbox. Type FALSE or leave blank to leave the checkbox off. |
is_self_checkin_enabled | Type TRUE to toggle on the Enable Self Check-In checkbox. Type FALSE or leave blank to leave the checkbox off. |
checkin_survey_delay | Type the number of minutes to delay the check in survey of the session by. |
is_channel | Type TRUE to toggle on the Channel Session checkbox. Type FALSE or leave blank to leave the checkbox off. |
is_public_files_website | Type TRUE to toggle on the Make files publicly available on website checkbox. Type FALSE or leave blank to leave the checkbox off. |
is_chat_enabled | Type TRUE to toggle on the Enable Virtual Chat checkbox.Type FALSE or leave blank to leave the checkbox off. |
is_video_controls_enabled | Type TRUE to toggle on the Enable Player Controls checkbox. Type FALSE or leave blank to leave the checkbox off. |
enable_add_to_schedule | Type TRUE to toggle on the Enable Add To Schedule checkbox. Type FALSE or leave blank to leave the checkbox off. |
enable_speaker_roles_portal | Type TRUE to toggle on the Enable Speaker Roles in Speaker Portal checkbox. Type FALSE or leave blank to leave the checkbox off. |
hide_checkin_qr_code_scanner | Type TRUE to toggle on the Hide Checkin QR Code Scanner checkbox. Type FALSE or leave blank to leave the checkbox off. |
hide_checkin_text_code_input | Type TRUE to toggle on the Hide Checkin Text Code Input checkbox. Type FALSE or leave blank to leave the checkbox off. |
checkin_survey_cutoff | Type the date in YYYY-MM-DD format for the check in survey to close. This column will edit the Check-In Cut-off Date field. |
feedback_survey_cutoff | Type the date in YYYY-MM-DD format for the feedback survey to close. This column will edit the Feedback Cut-off Date field. |
learning_objective_1 | Enter the first Learning Objective for your session under this column. |
learning_objective_2 | Enter the second Learning Objective for your session under this column. |
learning_objective_3 | Enter the third Learning Objective for your session under this column. |
app_widget_enabled | Type TRUE to toggle on the Enable App Widget checkbox. Type FALSE or leave blank to leave the checkbox off. |
order_num | Use this column to arrange the order for the sessions to appear in. For more information, please review our Reordering Sessions, Exhibitor and Sponsor in the Event Dashboard via the Import Tool article. |
How to Bulk Edit Sessions via Import
It is also possible to edit existing sessions when uploading the session template. To do this, simply enter the session code in the Code column and the information included in the template will override the session currently present in your Event Dashboard. Session codes can be downloaded from the Sessions page in the Event Dashboard. If you would like to edit the order of the sessions, please review our Rearranging Sessions, Exhibitor and Sponsor in the Event Dashboard via the Import Tool article.
How to Import the Session Template
- From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Sessions > Sessions
- Select the Upload button
- Select Drag and drop some files here, or click to select files to upload your CSV file
- Select Submit
How to View Sessions in the Event Website
- From the Event Website, navigate to Sessions
- Navigate to the Date(s) of the desired session(s)
- Select the session
How to View Sessions in the Virtual Portal
- From the Virtual Portal, navigate to Sessions
- Navigate to the Date(s) of the desired session(s)
How to View Sessions in the Mobile App
- From the Event App, navigate to Schedule
- Navigate to the Date(s) of the desired session(s)
- Select the session
Duplicating Sessions in the Event Dashboard
Sessions can be duplicated directly in the Event Dashboard. By duplicating a session, administrators can pick and choose what information is carried over and edit information for the new session.
- From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Sessions > Sessions
- Select the checkbox of the session you wish to duplicate
- Above the Sessions table, select Actions > Duplicate
An editor form will now appear allowing administrators to edit the information as necessary before duplicating the session. Once all settings have been configured, select Save Changes to duplicate the session. The session will now be created in the Event Dashboard just like any other session.