Setting up the Gamification Raffle
Please note use of this feature requires the Gamification Power-Up.
The Gamification Power-Up offers the option to host raffles which can award attendees with a prize. Adding raffles to your event is a great way to incentivize participation in your event. Once all the entries have been submitted, a ticket will be drawn and the attendee will win the prize.
To better understand Gamification, please ensure you review our two other articles on Gamification:
- Setting up Gamification and Prizes for In-Person Events
- Setting Up Gamification & Prizes for Virtual Events
Creating a Raffle From the Event Dashboard
Before attendees can apply for a raffle, it must first be set up from the Event Dashboard.
- From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Advanced > Gamification > Raffles
- Above the Raffles table, select Create
- Under Details, enter the Title
- For example, this field could be called “First Place Prize”
- Under Prize, enter the details of the prize to be given away
- Prize Title - The name of your prize, not to be confused with the Raffle Title
- Prize Description - The description of your prize, this can be used to specify the dimensions of your prize or as a creative description to generate excitement
- Prize Image - An image of your prize, most commonly used to show a real world photo of what the winner will receive.
- Under Settings, enter the conditions needed to partake in the raffle
- Max Entries - The maximum number of attendees that can enter the raffle.
- Max Entries Per Attendee - The maximum number of entries an attendee can make.
- Points Required - A prerequisite number of points an attendee needs to spend before they can apply for the raffle.
- Start Date & Time - The date and time the raffle opens.
- End Date & Time - The date and time the raffle ends.
- Select Save Changes
The raffle will now be available on the Event App. Once the raffle period has concluded, the raffle will disappear on the event app but will still be present in the Event Dashboard.
Entering a Raffle as an Attendee
Attendees can apply for a raffle, if they meet the prerequisite criteria, from the PheedLoop Go! App.
- From the Event App, navigate to Gamification > Raffles
- Navigate to the raffle you wish to enter
- Next to the raffle, select Enter!
Any points spent will not affect the leaderboard. All transactions can be found in the Activity section of the Gamification page.
Drawing a Winner from the Event Dashboard
Once the period for raffle draws has concluded, it is time to draw a winner.
- From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Advanced > Gamification > Raffles
- Select the checkbox of the raffle
- Above the Raffles table, select Actions > Draw a Winner
- Select Draw a Winner!
The winner will now be displayed, once a winner has been drawn this action cannot be undone. A winner cannot be drawn until the raffle period has ended.
Importing and Exporting Raffles From the Event Dashboard
Raffles can be imported en masse from the Event Dashboard including individual settings for each raffle. The primary benefit of this is to create multiple raffles in the Event Dashboard without needing to manually enter each one.
To Export Raffles
- From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Advanced > Gamification > Raffles
- Select the download button
All raffle information will now be downloaded onto your device. Please note, we recommend using the Raffles custom report for more information including the option to see who entered the raffle.
To Import Raffles
- From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Advanced > Gamification > Raffles
- Above the Raffles table, select the upload button
- Select Download Template
The Raffles template will now be downloaded onto your device.
- Open the Raffles template file
- Fill out the information outlined in the Headings in the Raffles Template step below
- Save the document as a CSV file
- From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Advanced > Gamification > Raffles
- Above the Raffles table, select the upload button
- Select the Drag and drop some files here, or click to select files button to upload your template
- Select Submit
Headings in the Raffles Template
code - This field is only necessary if you intend to edit a raffle. Enter the raffle code under this column to edit their information. Leave this field blank to create new raffles.
title - Enter the name of the raffle under this column.
description - Enter the description of the raffle under this column.
prize_title - Enter the name of the prize under this column.
prize_description - Enter the description of the prize under this column.
max_entries - Enter the maximum number of entries that can be made for the raffle under this column.
max_entries_per_attendee - Enter the maximum number of times an attendee can make an entry for the raffle under this column.
points_required - Enter the number of points that needs to be spent for an attendee to enter the raffle under this column.
start_date - Enter the date attendees can begin to enter the raffle under this field.
end_date - Enter the date attendees can no longer enter the raffle under this field.
Using Custom Reports for Raffles Data
The Custom Reports feature is the primary way to gleam data into your existing raffles and who has entered them.
For the purposes of this article we will cover the Raffles Reports and the Raffles Entry Report. However, there are many custom reports such as the Attendee Report and Gamification Report which can be used for additional data.
The Raffles Report will offer information on all existing raffles within your Event Dashboard. The Raffle Entries Report will offer information on all attendees who have applied for the raffle.
Creating a custom report
- From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Data & Reports > Custom Reports
- Above the Custom Reports table, select Create
- Under the Report Type field, select Raffles or Raffle Entries.
- Under the Name field, enter a name for your report.
- Under the Description field, enter a description for your report.
- Under the Fields field, we recommend selecting each field or whatever fields are necessary for your organization.
- If you are using the Raffles Entries report type, you will see a Raffles field where you can select for individual raffles. Leaving this field blank will include all raffles for the report.
- Select Save Changes
Now that your report is created, you will want to generate the report in order to download it.
- Select the checkbox of your newly created report
- Above the Custom Reports table, select Actions > Generate Report
- Select Download Previous Report