Creating and Managing Membership Purchases Manually in the Membership Dashboard

The Membership Dashboard is a powerful tool for managing Membership Tier purchases. In addition to managing incoming orders, the Membership Dashboard can create orders for Members manually.

Creating a Transaction

Transactions can be manually created in the Membership Dashboard.

  1. From the Membership Dashboard, navigate to Membership > Transactions
  2. Above the Transactions table, select Create

The Transaction Form will now appear and you will be able to fill out the transaction information in place of the Member.

Membership Owner

  • Email Address - Enter the email address for the Member under this field.
  • First Name -  Enter the first name for the Member under this field.
  • Last Name - Enter the last name for this Member under this field.
  • Organization - Enter the organization the Member belongs to under this field.
  • Title - Enter the title for this member under this field.


  • Address Line 1 - Add the primary address for the Member under this field.
  • Address Line 2 - Add a secondary address for this Member under this field if available.
  • City - Enter the city this member belongs to under this field.
  • State/Province - Enter the state/province this member belongs to under this field.
  • Zip/Postal Code - Enter the postal code for this member under this field.
  • Choose a country - Select the country this member belongs to under this field.
  • Phone Number - Enter the phone number for the Member under this field.

Custom Fields

Custom fields offer convenient tags for organizing Members. This is especially useful for telling which members have a dietary restriction at a glance.


The notes field is where administrators can leave notes for internal use. The Member will not be able to see this note, nor will it appear on the front end like in receipts or invoices.

Extra Options

  • Approve Transaction - Toggle on this checkbox to approve the transaction in the Membership Dashboard. If toggled on, the Is Approved column will be changed to Approved

Transactions can always be approved after creation by selecting the checkbox of the existing transaction and then selecting Actions > Change Status > Approve Transaction. Toggle on the Send Confirmation Email checkbox to send an email notification to the email attached to the transaction. Select Approve Transaction to finalize the approval.

Once all settings have been configured, select Save Changes to create the Transaction.

Bulk Uploading Transactions

Multiple transactions can be created at once by using the bulk upload feature. By entering the information in one CSV file and uploading it into the Membership Dashboard, multiple transactions can be generated at once.

To begin, you will need to download the template file.

  1. From the Membership Dashboard, navigate to Membership > Transactions
  2. Above the Transactions table, select the upload button
  3. Select Download Template

The CSV file will now be downloaded onto your device. The template will contain the following columns which can be filled as part of the upload process.

  • Email - Enter the email address for the Member under this field.
  • firstName - Enter the first name for the Member under this field.
  • lastName - Enter the last name for the Member under this field.
  • organizationMember - Enter the internal code of the organization for this Member belongs to under this field.
  • membershipTypes - Enter the internal code for the Membership Type for the Member under this field.
  • bundlePackages Enter - Enter the internal code of the Membership Bundle for this Member under this field.
  • addressLine_1 - Enter the primary address for this Member under this field.
  • addressLine_2 - Enter the secondary address for this Member under this field.
  • addressCity - Enter the city for this Member under this field.
  • addressState - Enter the State or Province for this Member under this field.
  • addressZip - Enter the Zip Code for this Member under this field.
  • addressCountry - Enter the country for this Member under this field.
  • addressPhone - Enter the phone number for this Member under this field.
  • Notes - Enter any internal notes for this Member under this field.
  • pendingApproval - Enter Yes under this field to approve the transaction. Enter No to keep the transaction pending.
  • dateStart - Enter the Start Date for the Membership Type to take effect.
  • dateExpiry - Enter the Expiry date for when the Subscription expires.
  • completed - Enter Yes under this field to mark the transaction status as completed. Enter No under this field to mark the transaction as Incomplete.
  • canceled - Enter Yes under this field to mark the transaction as canceled. Enter No or leave this field blank to not have the canceled status take effect.

Managing Transactions

Once a transaction has been created, additional information can be added into the transaction such as adding in tiers, refunds, and promotions.

  1. From the Membership Dashboard, navigate to Membership > Transactions
  2. Select the transaction you wish to edit

You will now see the Transaction’s editor form where you can make edits.

Transaction(s) Details

This section contains all the details for the Member. There are no editable fields but selecting View Contracts will take you to the Member Profile under Contacts > Profiles.

 If the organization for the Member is connected to your Organization list, you will see the Go to Organization button which takes you to the Organization page under Organizations > Organizations.

Finance Summary

The finance summary displays all monetary costs as part of the transaction. There are no editable fields in this section.

Membership Bundles

This section will display all bundles that are part of the transaction. Select Add Membership Bundles to add a new bundle. This will open a form where you can select the Membership Bundle.

Bundles Details

  • Membership Bundle - Select the Membership Bundle to include under this field.
  • Start Date -  Enter the Start Date for the Membership Type to take effect.
  • Expiry Date - Enter the Expiry Date for when the Subscription expires.


Enter any internal notes for this Member under this field.

Membership Bundles attached to the transaction can also be edited. Select the Actions button to begin editing the transaction.

  • Organization Summary - Selecting this option will take you to the organization the Member belongs to under Organizations > Organizations.
  • Delete - Select this option to delete the Membership Bundle from the transaction.


Similar to the Membership Bundles section, the Memberships section is where the Membership Types attached to the Transaction are listed. Select Add Membership to add a new tier in the transaction.

Select Existing Member

  • Primary Contact - Select the Member that will serve as the primary contact for the tier.
  • Unassigned - Toggle on this checkbox to not have a Membership Owner for this tier. If toggled on, the Membership Owner will not be editable.

Membership Owner

  • Email Address - Enter the email address of the Owner under this field.
  • First Name - Enter the first name of the Owner under this field.
  • Last Name - Enter the last name of the Owner under this field.
  • Organization - Enter the organization of the Owner under this field.
  • Title - Enter the title of the Owner under this field.

Membership Details

  • Select Membership Types - Select the Membership Type to assign to the Owner under this field.
  • Start Date -  Enter the Start Date for the Membership Type to take effect.
  • Expiry Date - Enter the Expiry Date for when the Subscription expires.

Email Notification

  • Send Confirmation Email - Toggle on this checkbox to send an email notification to the Owner’s email address.

Once all settings have been configured, select Save Changes to add the Membership Type.

Memberships attached to the transaction can also be edited. Select the Actions button to begin editing the transaction.

  • Contacts Summary - Select this option to see the Member’s profile in the Membership Dashboard under Contacts > Profiles.
  • View Membership - Select this option to view the Membership in the Membership Dashboard under Memberships > Memberships
  • Send Confirmation Email - Select this option to send an email to the Member. An announcement will need to be attached to the Membership for this feature to function.
  • Assign Membership - Select this option to transfer ownership of the Membership. Select the Member under the Membership Holder field and select Assign Membership to save your progress.
  • Remove Membership - Select this option to remove the membership from the transaction.


The Payments section will display all payment information made by the Member during checkout. If creating a transaction, the payment will need to be created manually. Select Add Payment to begin the process.

Transaction Owner

  • Amount - Enter the monetary amount the Member is paying for their transaction.
  • Date Received - Enter the date the payment was received
  • Date Due - If the payment was not completed yet, enter the date that payment will be due.
  • Select Payment Gateway -  Select the payment method under this field such as credit card or other method. Please note, connecting to Stripe or another financial integration is required to access these options. If not connected, only Other will be available for use.

Payment with Other

The Payment with Other section is only visible if selecting Other under Select Payment Gateway field.

  • Payment ID/Number - Enter an unique identifier for the payment. This is for internal use and does not impact the payment itself beyond giving the payment a name.
  • Select Method - Select Credit Card, Check, Wire Transfer, Complimentary, or Other, depending on how the Member paid.
  • Payment Verified - Toggle on this checkbox if your organization has received payment. Toggle this off if payment has not been delivered yet.
  • Private Notes - Enter any notes for internal use, the Member will not be able to view this note.
  • Public Notes - Enter any notes for the Member to view as part of the transaction.

Once all settings are configured, select Save Changes.

Payments attached to the transaction can also be edited. Select the Actions button to begin editing the payment.

  • View/Edit Details - Select this option to edit the payment details.
  • Verify - Select this option once you have received the payment. Once selected, the option will be replaced by Un-Verify. Select Un-Verify to cancel the verification of the payment.
  • Download PDF - Select this option to download a PDF file of the payment. The PDF file will contain the payment summary.
  • Send PDF - Select this option to send an email to the Member containing the Member PDF.
  • Issue refund - Select this option to send a refund for a partial or full amount of the payment.


Any refunds processed for this transaction will appear in this section. If you would like to create a refund, navigate to the Payment and select Actions > Issue refund.

Once the refund is issued, you can choose to delete the refund by selecting Actions > Delete Refund under the refunds section.


Promotions can be included in transactions to provide a discount in either a static amount or a percentage. To create a promotion, select Add Discount.

  • Select Promotion - Select the promotion to include in the transaction. If no promotions are created, this field will not be usable until a promotion is created under Memberships > Promotions. For instructions on how to create a promotion, please review our Setting up Membership Promotions article.
  • Amount - Enter the monetary amount to be reimbursed under this field.

Once the Promotions are added, they can be removed if necessary by selecting Actions > Delete Discount and selecting Confirm.

Resending and Downloading Invoices/Receipts

Invoices and receipts can be sent to the Member manually from the Membership Dashboard.

  1. From the Membership Dashboard, navigate to Membership > Transactions
  2. Select the checkbox of the transaction you wish to download or sent
  3. Above the Transactions table, select Actions > Invoice/Receipt 
    1. Select Download to download a pdf file of the transaction in your device
    2. Select Send to send the pdf file to the Member

Exporting Data with the Membership Transaction Report

Custom Reports can be used to export transaction information and offer additional insight into them.

  1. From the Membership Dashboard, navigate to Data & Reports > Custom Reports
  2. Above the Custom Reports table, select Create
    1. Under the Report Type field, select Membership Transactions
    2. Under the Name field, enter a name for your report.
    3. Under the Description field, enter a description for the report.
    4. Under the Fields field, enter all the fields for the report to include.
    5. Under the Start Date field, enter the date for the report to begin capturing information. Information before this date will not be included in the report. Leave this field blank to include all information.
    6. Under the End Date field, enter the date for the report to stop capturing information. Information after this date will not be included in the report. Leave this field blank to include all information.
  3. Select Save Changes

Now that your report is created, you will want to generate the report in order to download it.

  1. Select the checkbox of your newly created report
  2. Above the Custom Reports table, select Actions > Generate Report
  3. Select Download Previous Report
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